The Word of God in Romania 2012.08.02 - The Word of God at the feast of the S | Page 3

2012.08.02. they will not listen to God either, for they have not been used to the goodness of their spirit from their childhood or all the time; they have not been used to obedience, to guidance over their life, and they do not have a beautiful soul and also they cannot leave it to the spirit which can make the man beautiful, and I, the Lord, rejoice over some, for they are used to the love for obedience and for their guidance, and I cry over some, for these are used to the spirit of stub- bornness and of straining of spirit, and these drive God away from man. Well, you, stubborn Christian, you are angry with the man who does not do as your will sees and likes, but when you, by your stubbornness and by your lack of humility, stretch those around you, how comes that you also do not feel that what the one you have stretched feels? Behold injustice for your neighbor and favoritism for you! And I say again: those who have not got used to listening to their parents or to their teachers, they do not listen to God either and neither do they listen to God’s people, and more than that, they have a stubborn spirit because of their lack of practice to the humility the Lord requires of those who want to come after Him. Whoever has not listened to his parents’ instruction does the same with God, and few are the parents that mean harm to their children even if their parents went wrong with God. And even if the parents have gone wrong with God, they still have to be obeyed by their children, and this is their children’s good will, and behold, it is not good for the child to say that his parents did not listen to their good, to their parents or to God, but it is good for them to do more than that and in no way less, for each one can do much good to his relative which was or is not obedient to his own good and to God, if he works the good in the time of his life, as the disciple Panteleimon worked the good of God upon him and upon people by the teaching of his master and by this he turned his father to the heavenly Father for his eternal good. Oh, Christian son, your conduct towards those around you is the same conduct as that between you and God, for I, the Lord, cannot take for Me the good conduct towards Me from man, but I take only that with which he walks before Me with those around him, for this is the mark of his conduct with Me, and the man’s conduct with respect to God has never been viewed otherwise on earth by God. If I cannot admonish the Christian, then that one is not My son, and he is taught without guidance upon him, without word upon him. For this I am speaking on this day over all those who were and are and will be added to those who want to be with God as My word requires in these days for those who will be My people and My kingdom, with which I will remain and with which those who listen to God will remain too, and I am telling them this: Come under the work of admonition for the sons, you those who want to remain God’s sons and the sons of the kingdom that will remain, for nothing proves that a Christian is God’s son more than the work of admonition for the sons and the receiving of it, for man goes wrong no matter how much he may want not to be so. Make a good distinction between disciple and teacher and be good both in your humility and in your mind, for two thousand years ago, I, the Lord, said: «Blessed is the one who does not stumble against Me!» There were many scribes who sought to find fault with Me, and they did, for this is what they were looking for, but they could not raise a dead man to life; they could not heal a blind man, or turn someone from death to life, from sin to holiness, and they could not do that because they had the spirit of judgment in them, the evil eye, the spirit of blaming brothers and God, a spirit which not even God uses even if He is God, for those who are judged are judged by their own works and by God’s word spoken beforehand so that man may not sin, and which man violates after that, to his judgment. The man’s flesh is a lover of sin, even if the spirit sighs after life in man, but the man without guidance upon him, upon his body, does not have other destiny. Therefore, man needs to listen to God and his obedience will save his life. Amen. 3