The Word of God in Romania 2012.04.29 - The Word of God on the third Sunday a | Page 4
you have brought it to Me since you were little and you have worked into My vineyard, and
your reward is high, well sons. You should know, well, well My young men, that the world
does not look well with you when you pass through the world by your step. You should also
know, sons, that you do not look nice with the world when it tries to come closer to you and
see, for the world has its spirit and it comes with it when it tries to come to you because you are
Mine; however, you want to show it how you are, and the world has to see by this and under-
stand well that the spirit of the world is foreign to you. Oh, blessed are those who have you
in their hearts with names of the sons of God on earth, because their faith will not be
overlooked on the day of their visitation. Remain in My love! I take you within it, and eve-
rything comes to a stop in Me, no matter how many things they might try to strike you, for My
love protects you in it, sons.
You, those that run with faith and love like the thirsty deer at My spring of word when
you come to the feasts, keep your hearts in the fear of God, for this is an angel of great protection
against human works, which struggle to live in people and because of which the people do not
come to this spring. Get used to take your steps to the spirit of holiness, so that you too may
become God’s sons fully and to give birth to a holy people for the holy heaven and not for you.
Turn your bodies into clean vessels, useful to the Lord, and there will be no richer people
than you are on earth. Oh, come, drink and have a party with the Lord and with His saints.
Come to Me, you those who are heavily burdened, and you will taste the sweetness of your rest!
I come always; I come into your way and I give you of My graces and I want sons, to bring you
as offering to the Father, according to the order in the people of My word of today, an order in
which I, the Lord, have set it in order to know it that it is Mine. Oh, its life is not too tough,
for it is beautiful before Me and it is for Me, not for them, and I set My works upon them,
and by this time, I have not got so much support from the earth, and the people know that all
the glory is given to Me with it and with the entire help from one another, the heaven and the
earth helping each other at work for the last Scriptures.
I, the resurrected Lord, open up My arms for you and I am thankful to you for your faith
in My coming as word of Holy Spirit on earth. I, the Lord, call those who are faithful to My
coming of today of the Romanian people, I call them My Romanian people, and they are
the Romanian people, for it cannot be Romanian otherwise the man on these heavenly
fields where the heaven works, sanctifies and prepares the view of its glory in the end of
the time.
I, the Lord, teach you, and you should learn that the sons of My people from My spring
of word cannot give you anything else than what I give them to give further, and they cannot
take in order to give after their will or yours, for I give them what they receive and what they
give, and their whole word and work is given by Me to them when they work, whether they
give or not, when they let themselves be carried by My will. Amen.
I stay with you in a feast, and the heavenly hosts stop together with you and wait for
you to go with you on your way back, for I have given them word to take you within the pro-
tecting spirit, which goes with those who come to Me to My glory with them. I will accompany
you with great word at the end of the feast and I bring My exhortation before you and I will
also give you holy strength in you and I urge you to be Romanians, as behold, I suffer from a
fresh wound, an open wound, the storm which has been beating now from the enemies to pull
out from the top those with a clean watch over this nation. The Romanian people does not like
peace and the spirit of brotherhood, but it likes the spirit of pride instead, which those, who are