The Word of God in Romania 2012.04.22 - The Word of God on the second Sunday | Page 2
that we may all be one, and that they may be the sons of the Father as I am, and the Father’s
love was so great that He called those who were faithful to Me God’s sons!
The mind of those who remained with the old things was very weak and they did not
understand from God the greatness of the day of Sunday, and which I, the Lord, sealed it
as My rest after My great victory against the hell between the hour of My crucifixion and
that of My resurrection on the first day of the week, on the Sunday in which I came to life
victoriously, for I overcame the death and the hell and I let the people know about My day for
the feast of rest, the day of My resurrection, another day of rest for the faithful ones. Only
those who did not receive Christ, only those remained stubborn, for they could not change
the day for the Lord, since they gave the Lord to death, not receiving Him, the One Whom
the Father had sent to them.
Oh, people of My word, I am coming into your midst, son, I am coming as word, as I
was entering to My disciples two thousand years ago, and as I was speaking to them after My
resurrection. I am speaking with you on the way, as I spoke with those who wanted Me on their
way to Emmaus. I appear to you as a great and resurrected God, as I appeared to Thomas and
as I made him sure that I was. Oh, blessed are all those who believed and believe My disciples’
testimony of that time for Me, the disciples who were chosen by the Father to be witnesses to
My coming of that time and to proclaim it to the margins, together with the feast of My Resur-
rection on the first day of the week, the day of Sunday! Oh, this is how I have you too, as My
witness now for My coming again on earth sent by the Father, and you confess yourself and
share the word of My mouth, and blessed and chosen by the Father are those who believe
God, Whom you share with them when He comes and proclaim Himself far and wide with
His coming after seven thousand years from the creation of the world, and He is coming to
make the world again; He is coming and He is working now the new birth of the world, and by
His creation now, He is setting a new heaven and a new earth, working with the word of His
mouth. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.)
Oh, peace to you, people confessing of My second coming from the Father as word on
earth! By the word, the Lord made the heaven and the earth in the beginning and He is working
again the mystery of the new heaven, the new earth and the New Jerusalem for this mystery.
(See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified”,
r.n.) You should have great love, people loved by God, for the Lord has revealed to you His
entire work for the new birth of the world, and you, who are born from above by this word
of My mouth, help to My work the Father has given to Me and stay on My right side until
we will overcome the last enemy, and then there will be the new heaven, the new earth
and My confessing people, by whom I will share the great joy for all of the saints who will
have waited for My complete victory. Amen.
— However, I, my Lord and my God, am ordained by the saints and by the fathers and
I am remembered as a great witness of Your resurrection, because You saw me with all the
other disciples on the second Sunday after Your resurrection, and You came in again and gave
me too such a great spirit of confession for You and for Your resurrection. Who else was then
able to speak like me so fully the sweet news: “Christ has risen!”? Oh, Lord, You came to life
in Your body. And in this way there will be raised the bodies of those who are now waiting, and!hVtgjLJR!vhg5QR1Qc82yxTW84Y2Q2EX6IrNeT3FA97Oqvlhpe4A