The Word of God in Romania 2012.03.25 - The Word of God on the fourth Sunday | Page 4
way that he showed them his submission and obedience by doing this, and then they were ter-
rified seeing the great damage that came from the lack of the teaching and watching upon them
done by their teacher, and they repented and were corrected and then they left their mind, which
led them to murmuring against the master for their souls, for counseling them.
Oh, My people, submission means love, and without love man displays only his stub-
bornness and the word of his mouth and mind, or his lack of speaking, which is the same, a
stubborn spirit. Oh, the gift of the holy teaching is great, and you should love this gift more
than any other gift, for man cannot have a greater gift than God’s love, which is worked
by the submission with obedience, and you have to be filled with this gift, for I am whole into
your midst, whole, but perfected by its wholeness, just as I also like you to be; however, always
wholly dedicated to Me on your behalf in such a way I may be full of gifts from you, and that
We may take after one another by what We give and receive, for you are full of all My gifts so
that you may have and that you may give to those that do not have, and then also, that you may
give Me so that I may have from you on My way with you among the people on earth, oh, son,
My people, on whom I am relying now with My coming again from the Father on earth after
man. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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