The Word of God in Romania 2012.03.18 - The Word of God on the third Sunday o | Page 4
word and the word of God’s saints, for Lazarus came to life and I, the Lord, also came to life,
and even so Israel did not believe; the Israel, which today is trying to cause Me another crash,
and is trying to lead the world to the denial of God in such a way that it and only it may be god
over the earth, and only money, for money is the curse on its head, because it sold the Son
of God on money when He descended from heaven to it to be crucified by it, by the people
to which He came to be its Savior.
Oh, the Father sends saviors over people and they do not understand the Father’s love
for them. When the Lord took Israel out of its bondage, did He not send Moses before it as
savior? Oh, this is how God works in all the times and He sends salvation for those who are in
bondage, and He does not ask anyone on the earth or any people on earth when He works,
and neither does He ask the leaders of the church, for I, the Lord, am greater than them and
I am their savior, when they also want Me in the way I work, for the Holy Spirit descends to
work when He wants and not when the earthly man wants, not when he believes that. I cleansed
the lepers from their sufferance by My word before sending them to appear before the priests
so that they may see them healed and to ask them who healed them. However, to what kind of
priests did they know to go? The priests who rebuked Me, who persecuted Me everywhere
because I was healing the weak and because I was making too many miracles and by so doing
I made them look so small before the crowds they had been keeping in bondage, and because
of that, they said that I had to be crucified lest their seed might perish, their entire people, but
they did not escape from what they were afraid of, for their people perished before Me even
because they persecuted Me into their midst, and now it is the one wandering away that is
leading many in errancy.
Oh, people of My word, oh, sons, no one of you should stay with your little mouth dry
from the word spoken upon you and dry of the word of praise for those in heaven! Let My word
spoken among you work from one to another. Give My comfort to each other, for those who
are faithful have to feed each other greatly with the heaven, with the food of the paradise, with
the saints, with the angels and with all the heavenly powers, and when I, the Lord, tell to man
what to do on earth between man and man, then this is how he is supposed to fulfill, because I
am God of God and the God’s word is not only to be heard and then to be taken in vain, but
rather it has to be fulfilled with fear, as the fear of God is with those who fulfill as God requires
and as the Lord expects from man, from the least to the great One, Who takes care to teach the
man to become god by grace and obedience to grace, for grace means self-denial with humil-
ity and repentance and with much work and miracle of work by this, with much longing of
God, because without the longing for God no one, oh, no one can help God on earth, no one
can yearn in his heart incessantly after Him, after life without death, and I am the way. I am the
Way, the Truth and the Life, of which those who are proud have no share, for these take of their
mind even those that are for God from them, and they do not take from God, if they do so, as
in order that the man may have grace, it does not mean this, because grace means humility, as
My mother Virgin always had and always, always worked, and she worked like God on earth
and gave birth to the Son of God as Man on earth, and she made man into a god by grace, by
her work full of grace for God and for man.
Oh, it is not given to all to believe to the end into this coming of Mine on earth now,
and I say this because those who have withdrawn to the sides after they have tasted and made
a feast of My coming of today, of the salvation for many of those who humble themselves for
it, for some had stayed for a while and then they stepped aside and by this they taunted Me and
then they left, for they judged according to their own mind and sight, and the one who judges,