The Word of God in Romania 2012.01.20 - The Word of God at the Synof of the S | Página 5
enemies and against all their kings, as My blessing upon them was great! My Father’s lordship
is His entire creation, the heaven and the earth; it does not belong to man, and man has to obey
as the kings of Abraham’s enemies submitted to him. The visible and the invisible things are
God’s glory and they come to the confession of their Creator, and it will not be otherwise.
Peace to you, Romanian Israel, Abraham’s son, the father of those who are faith-
ful! My promise upon him is great, and I have in heaven multitudes of peoples, multitudes of
saints from all tribe, language, nation and people on the earth, a great multitude of holy people,
as many as the stars of the heaven, and this people is the people of My promise made to the
faithful Abraham, God’s man on earth at that time, that is Abraham. This people from
heaven is your protector, the small one of the promise made to Abraham then, but I want you
to read well and to understand like God, oh, My people, the people of the wisdom from above
on earth, for I dwell into your midst with the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, and the Baptizer of the
faithful ones; I have always stayed with you, oh, little son, oh little people, with whom the Lord
is well pleased now on earth. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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