The Word of God in Romania 2012.01.20 - The Word of God at the Synof of the S | Page 3

2012.01.20. — «Behold, the Lord is coming with ten thousand of His holy ones!» (Jude: 1/14). This is the Scripture that, I, Your Baptizer preach at the Jordan, little Lamb of the Father, Who lift up on Your shoulders the sins of the world; You raised then the cross and carried it, and that took You to Golgotha, having the burden of all the sins of the human kind, oh, Lord. When You come into Your book as word with the feast of a saint, then heavenly hosts come with You and with him, for this is how You travel and celebrate. On the feast of Your Baptism I am here with You and with crowds of angels and saints, confessing and baptizing many on earth as long as they have stayed. I confess that I with my own hand I baptized You in the water of Jordan two thousand years ago when I said, seeing You coming: «Behold, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world!» (John: 1/29). And then I prophesied Your ascension on the cross, Lord, that You were to die for the world, as for this the Father had sent You at that time on earth. God, the God of mercy, had to die for the world bathing in sin, as it did not want and it does not want to die for Him as the saints have done for His name. Few know that We had worked together, Lord, into the wilderness until Your appear- ance and mine at the Jordan. You were so humble in word and appearance before me! I had to ask the Father, Who had sent me to baptize with water, and the Father said: «On Whomever you will see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, the same is He Who baptizes in the Holy Spirit». (John: 1/33). And the Father was in You, Lord, and then I saw and confessed that You were the Son of God, so that my disciples may hear and to follow Him, that is to follow You, Lord. You had to appear at the Jordan, little Lamb Lord. That is why I came, I, who was baptizing with water and I told the Jews about You, so that my confession about You might remain among them, and then all knew me as a great prophet; however, those full of the lust of sin were afraid, as they also were afraid of You after We appeared to start Our work of preach- ing when We were thirty years old. Oh, the people on earth should take care only of the heavenly mysteries from the Scrip- tures. It is not given to all to believe; this does not belong to everyone, Lord. Only those written into the Lamb’s book of life, only those are Your faithful people, that You have always chosen from among people to work into its midst Your Scriptures, foretold ahead of time through the prophets, and then their fulfillment on earth and the book of the written fulfillments, the word written and confessing through its book. (See The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) - The Word of God (1955-2005) 7 , r.n.) I have been standing with great longing and with heavenly love within the feast of Epiph- any near You with the sons of Your people of today. I have stood so as I stood at the Jordan near You. And now, I confess You: 7 You can also see on:!lV8TlCSB 3