The Word of God in Romania 2012.01.09 - The Word of God at the feast of the S | Page 2
in which God’s kingdom has dwelt at large on earth, and My saints have got a royal robe, the
robe of King’s sons.
I am giving voice to the apostle Stephen, for he is at his feast among the saints, and the
ruler of the world has been judged on earth as many times as My saints have been judged, for
those, who have judged them on earth against God’s justice, have touched the light of My eyes,
they have touched My saints, and the reward of the killers is mourning and gnashing of teeth,
there where they have piled up the reward for their works; however, I have remained with My
saints, and they will reign with Me as King’s sons, and My kingdom with them is endless.
— I am staying within the feast of my day in the glory of Your coming, Lord, for You
are accompanied by Your saints and You are coming, as You have worked on earth accompa-
nied by Your holy apostles. I rejoiced over the glory of the heavenly sights in my life as Your
apostle, and when I was sent into heaven by those who were envious and haughty in their faith,
as they wanted to prove when they killed me under the clamor of stones thrown at me, then I
testified that the heaven was open above me and You were on the throne on the right side of the
Father, for the heavenly sight was witnessing from heaven against those who have committed
the murderous deed, and of which they could no longer be vindicated. Oh, this is how You stay
with the heaven opened above Your saints on earth, and You are the right Judge for them,
opening the heaven and receiving them, just as You welcomed me and opened the heaven to me
to enter and to present myself before Your throne near the Father, as I had confessed that You
were with the heaven opened for me, and my killers were very much upset with me then and
took me out of my body and sent me to You, and then I prayed to You; I prayed to You to forgive
their unbelief and the wickedness that came from their unbelief, for they gave me the heaven as
a gift, Lord, and You came with the heaven opened before me, to receive me near You in heaven.
No enemy can throw You down, and no one can throw down Your saints, Lord. Oh, how
much teaching of heaven has to be on earth over those who are faithful, Lord! They are to be
vessels of the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit, the Teacher, puts clarifying teaching in them and
He puts faith with a living proof for it.
I am coming down as a confessor from heaven into the midst of the people of Your word,
Lord. The same testimony I have to give from haven, as that on the earth then. Those who were
stiff-necked, hardening their hearts, stay and will stay eternally against the Holy Spirit because
of their spirit by which they always feel at their ease on earth, always cleansing around them
and striking against all of Your righteous ones, and thus receiving the bad reward from the
hand of those killed. Oh, how is the man in cold blood supposed to have warmth in him? How
are those full of hate supposed to know love? Hate comes in man from the spirit of haughtiness,
just as love and waves of love are brought forth out of the spirit of faith, and it embraces the
world surrounding it, loving it and forgiving it, but the clay in man cannot do this.
Oh, how much humility has to be in the saints to be the heavenly dwelling places of love,
Lord! Much instruction is needed over the saints on the earth. They do not have to take into
account their love and measure it by themselves attributing it to themselves as though they
might have love in them, but it has to be seen alone by its proof, and humility has to cover within
it all those from heaven in those who are holy on earth, as the glory of the heavenly things in
the saints is not given on earth, but only in humility, only in heaven, only after that, Lord. The
big great saints were taking on them the sight of their unworthiness, under which they were