The Word of God in Romania 2012.01.08 - The Word of God at the Synod of the L
The Word of God 1 at the Synod of the Lord’s Mother 2
I am setting the word of the birth from above into the book on this day too for those who
are seeking Me at this spring to be able to take, as I, the Lord, want much to shepherd the man.
My birth from the virgin brought Me to the people on earth, and I grew within the sweet spirit
of obedience, as My Father has made Me a sweet shepherd of souls and I have loved this, since
I was born on the earth among people to be their Shepherd and to be their sweet Shepherd. I
started on earth with My birth and this mystery is great for those who love God and give them-
selves to Him, and then I went on with the growth and with the sweet obedience for the growth,
and this second mystery and its work are also great, and then I shepherded going from place to
place, after the Father first revealed it to Me to choose the twelve disciples to go with them, and
then to choose other seventy disciples to go before Us and proclaim among the people the news
of the kingdom of the heavens, My coming with it, and I perfected it on earth, because I was
coming into the people with it, into the hearts of those who heard My word full of the Holy
Spirit, and I was teaching the people to be baptized in the name of the Father, of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit. At that time, by My shepherding, it was proclaimed God’s name: the Fa-
ther, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and I was the Word and I got together the beginning
with the end, for at first, I was the Word, and God was the Word as it is written. Oh, and
I am also working likewise, now, in the end of the time, and the mystery of God’s work is not
hard to be understood with all its thread, but two powers met together on earth after My birth:
God’s power and satan’s power, the first among the angelic armies, and who became My ad-
versary, while the man, whom I built with My hand and I brought in paradise, stood against
obedience to his Creator, God, and thus he drew to his disobedience the ministry of the first
group of God’s angels, and the disobedience and the disorder, shaken from their place, caused
the first angel among the angelic armies, this chief, to oppose Me, and by his disobedience, this
one became a satan, he turned into an adversary and then he took revenge and became the power
opposing to God, and man has remained with this sin done against God’s angels, because of his
disobedience in paradise. Then the heavenly powers saw and were afraid, and I, the Lord,
the Son of the Father Sabaoth, saw satan having falling down from heaven like lightning,
and I spoke over the angelic armies by the voice of My angel Michael and I said: «Let us
stand well, with reverence and awe!» (See Hebrews: 12/28) And then, the heavenly powers
stood still and they set in peace their further work for serving God and for the creation of eve-
rything, such a great ministry as it does not come to the man’s mind, for if the heavenly powers
and their work were not, there would be nothing at its place meant by God by the creation of
the heaven and of the earth, which the Lord set to be; He established everything by the word
and they are.
Oh, My people, I spend with you the word of birth from above for the man’s mind and
I tell him that if the heavenly powers were not, then their work from God, set for the whole
creation, would not be anything, and it would only be darkness again, the deep and the waters,
as it was before the creation, which is now. Oh, My people, the man should stay likewise, well
son, the man who the Lord is speaking with today on earth! Man should stay well, in reverence
and awe and not as he lives on earth, being served and protected by the heavenly powers, which
he knows very little about, which he calls very little, and very little does he know about them
and about their work, for the food of the man’s mind is haughtiness. Man forgets that God is
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.