The Word of God in Romania 2011.12.25 - The Word of God at the feast of Saint | Page 5
keeps the people of His word far from the mixture of those who give themselves to be cursed
and to the Babylon, to the confused language; however, the Babylon is going to fall and the
victory is that which sides with the Lord and with His justice, and which has His holiness with
You all wonder why the Lord has got Romania as the country of His coming now, oh,
but do you not see that He has come to it and has become word in it and that He has in it the
seat of the judgment of the deeds? (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment”, r.n.) God
had not been able to come among you as word to be on earth with the people because you would
have put Him to silence and you would have not taken Him as work upon you and shared
through you in order to be believed and followed then. Nevertheless, He came as you see that
He is coming now, in a humble way. As in Jerusalem, two thousand years ago, God entered
humbly on a colt of a donkey, in the same He has also come now, to be able to come like that,
and that is why he has worked in this way and He has come to the small sons and has become
a kingdom to be able to speak and to be written what the Lord has spoken and then His speaking
to be spread everywhere.
You pretend that you do not hear when the Lord speaks, but you only pretend this; how-
ever, this is not so and the Lord does not write so, but He rather writes that you have sin and
that you do not take into consideration the word of His coming to the sheep and to the shepherds
to see their fruit, and you do as the Israel of old did, who gave the Lord away from it. Oh, you
wait for all the righteous to die, all those who have sided with the Lord’s justice, that only you
may remain, you and those who are weak and not firm, and you have put them into the service
of your wandering away from the right way, but the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Shepherd of the
sheep and of the shepherds of the sheep, does not die and He is alive forever and ever, and He
is coming and He will revel, work and shepherd, as it is written to do then when the shepherds
suck the life of the sheep for their glory from the sheep.
Woe to those who ask you about the Living One, about the way of His word, that judges
with justice, after that these have loved the way of this word, and they will also carry in their
back the burden of those they have killed in respect with the faith in this word, (killing spiritual,
killing the faith, r.n.) which flows out of God’s mouth with power during these days, and which
does not stop because of the unbelief, because of the frivolity or because of the lack of stability
of those who are not faithful and who are from those who go with this word and take their steps
then and go to kill the innocent with respect to the way of His word of today. Those, who have
taken another way, have piled up great sin and a bad reward, and all the ways will be closed
down, and the doubtful remain face to face with the answer, which they will have to give to
God, where there is no vindication.
Oh, ministering servants of churches, you wonder about the Lord and His word into the
midst of a faithful people. It is in vain that you wonder. You do not like His coming in the word
on earth when you have so much to work and to demolish, but if the Father has sent His Son in
the word that He may work and not you, then He came and is coming, working and listening to
the Father, Who has sent Him, and behold, you do not have the same father, how do you believe
this, for there is separation and division between the Lord and you, because you do not do what
the holy fathers did, who asked for the revelations from the Lord, and in this way many signs
were done between truth and life at the prayer of the holy ones, and behold, the Lord is coming
to you, and He is asking you about you and about the sheep too, and you will answer with your
fruitlessness, with the lack of love, that you will have worked between you and Him. Amen.