The Word of God in Romania 2011.12.04 - The Word of God at the feast of the E | Page 5

2011.12.04 before the throne of godly glory, and he understood his fall and he also understood the fall of all men because of his sin. I am speaking with You, Lord Word, my Son, so that the people may see my spirit, which is from my Creator, God, and which is set by Him in me for my humility. I show my spirit and its humility to the people, Lord Son; the humility, which the first man built and then all men should have had from one to another before You. Come with me in my speech, dear Son! Come, for the people do not know; and nor do know those who say that know about You and from You; they do not know how the fall of the angels was; they do not know that it was not the angels but only the man was the one who reached out his hand above You and then he became the fall over the serving angels of Your glorified throne! Tell to the people that they do not know what only You saw and know, that You are the Son of the Father, the One born of the Father before eternity, that You are Who You are, dear Son! Amen. — I am telling them, mother, and I am telling them as I also told My disciples two thousand years ago, when they came to Me with joy after I had sent them to work over the people by My sending for signs and miracles in My name, and before whom the spirits of the fallen angels bowed, seeing My power in them, and I told them this: «I saw satan having fallen like lightning from heaven. … Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven». (See Luke: 10/18-20) Oh, mother, behold, even joy can be haughtiness, and what a pride, mother! My disciples wanted to rejoice that the evil spirits submitted to them, the angels fallen by the joy of the first man built by God and who became proud rejoicing that I gave him to rule over those made by God for him, and when he saw that the angels before the throne of My glory served him, he became proud, poor of him, that he had great dominion even over the angels of the throne of the Most High, the Creator of the heaven and the earth and then of the man. He who knows to read in the Scriptures can understand if he wants, for I have revealed now the sin of man’s pride when the angels before My throne were serving him in paradise as God, for I, the Lord, have been serving the man from then and up to this day. Let the man humble himself for how much compassion I have on him and for how much I have been serving him, and let him not become proud as though he may deserve this, for Adam lost his peace and Mine in him if he thought that he was worthy. However, you wanted to be the servant of the Son of God, Who had to come on earth then, and you humbled yourself deeply, mother, and you have showed your spirit to the people, since then, until this day and until tomorrow, oh, My mother. Every man who becomes proud inside and outside of him, as one worthier than others, that one is God’s enemy, mother, and he causes some other souls to fall from God by his haughtiness, and I suffer great losses because of the pride of those who think they are worthy and who draw the weak to their thought in order that they may follow them, and behold how the people fall from their watch through people like the angels, who served the haughty thought of the man I set paradise after I had built him! Oh, how much humility and how much repentance are needed to the man through whom souls fall from My face, from the spirit of faithfulness to the spirit of human frivolity and to the denial of the Lord, Who is the way, the truth and the life! The man wants to be the truth, and out of his desire, he draws from the way those who serve his pride, covered by the spirit of hypocrisy. Man does not need truth for him, but he needs repentance always, always for his cleansing of sin, and woe to the false man who sees himself better than the others, judging them and butting against their face, for the Lord did not appoint man to judge that what the Lord has 5