The Word of God in Romania 2010.12.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the s | Page 5
with the people left on the side of the faith and its works with their life. It is otherwise with this
work of the Lord and with this people. The Lord is at the helm and He is the One Who knows
how all the things are, how all things get on and He knows each one what he can, what he can
and what he wants, and the Lord is humiliated face to face with those who are doubtful and
then stubborn, and who blow storm over His walking full of hardships on the way of His coming
today on earth.
He who chooses to do his own will is guilty, but it is not less guilty the man who has
supported the one who does not listen and does not walk beautifully, with humility and repent-
ance on the way with holy people on it. Oh, much remorse is needed in all those who have
added fuel to the fire, who have added wood and brushwood of all kinds, again and again, to
stir up so much flame to this height. The fire is put out with water not with fire, and behold, this
is the mistake of those who have worked and built at this pain, which is now on the Lord’s heart
in heaven and on earth. Oh, become wise, you, those who worked falsely and receive instruction
from the mistakes of those who went wrong and could no longer repent after they have gathered
so much guilt upon them.
Oh, do not be afraid, you those who are faithful, for the Lord’s work! The Lord remains
the clean One, the One without sin, and He has got power to wash away all those who repent
and hide under His shelter in this time so hard, so dark and so full of the spirit of the devil in it
to make the man fall away from God. Be full of God, oh, sons and daughters! The absence of
the Lord, even for a little while from you and from among you, makes your being of God’s sons
grow less. Always refresh among you the word of the Lord’s teaching! Without His word now,
face to face with you always, satan is making you tired and is drawing you away from the Lord’s
little boat. Keep away from slandering, from the sin of brotherly contempt, from the sin of ac-
cusation and vindication, the sin made by Adam in paradise, and for which he lost the paradise.
This sin has simmered among those who have made fire and flame up to heaven against the
bearers of God now for you and for the entire human race on earth, for God works by His
servants as He has always done. The spirit of falsehood has simmered as in hell from one an-
other among those who set aside from the whole body of the holy people, and behold, the en-
chanting spirit that bears the lie in it to deceive with it the one hunted, this spirit has worked
powerfully and has overcome souls, minds and beliefs and then it has set down as a spot on the
Lord’s face.
Oh, repent, you those who can do this, for the day is coming when you need this moment
of repentance now! Stand up to defend the Lord and His hard walking, and which is harder and
harder, for you need support from Him when it is hard for you in time of desperation, as behold,
this hard time has already come to you! Do not be careless, do not be enchanted and flee from
the pain which has seized you unexpectedly, from which he spirit of man and the spirit of the
devil work and weave so much, and there has not been obedience for awakening, for the release
from the darkness of those who have been worked in the darkness against the Lord’s walking,
against the faith of the faithful ones. Oh, do not try to fall deeper! It is enough with as much as
you have gone wrong! Repentance and always repentance is needed! Reach out your hand to
come out of the hole! Be wise at least in the hour, which beats the waking up! I help you, but I
can do this only if you work like the Lord and not like you. Amen.
I, Lord, remain for those who are faithful, who have in them the spirit of repentance and
humility for all their mistakes. I, Lord, have cried by the word, and the saints accompanying us
at the today’s table of Your word have seen so many of my tears and they have cried with me,