The Word of God in Romania 2010.08.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 4
Two thousand years ago, with a little bunch of disciples, I set a new kingdom on earth
and it has lived in time by the faithful ones, who were and are God’s kingdom into the midst of
the people, and I am working the same today and I am on earth with My kingdom in those
who are faithful and I am working through them My word into their midst, and by speak-
ing it then I fulfill it, and this is how I prove that I am a true God and I show the man what truth
means, for man cannot prove that is a true man, because his body has always, always overcome
him, and man exalts himself by this after that, even if he does not find any greatness from man
for him. Oh, it was otherwise when My greatness was confirmed on earth, when My face shone
bathed in the light before My disciples in the mountain that was transfigured in an instant while
God’s glory was upon it. Oh, it was otherwise with Me, for I did not exalt Myself but the Father
done this from the clouds when He showed My greatness to the apostles at the time when He
spoke in the sky and said: «This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. Listen to
Him». (Matt. 17/5) And on that very moment, the Father glorified Himself in Me and the Lord’s
glory was shown outside, as white as snow over My body and over My garment, and then My
disciples confessed My glory, and behold, I do not exalt Myself, but the Father does this within
Me and over Me, and man is a liar when he glorifies himself, for I said that man receives his
comfort from his sin. (See the selection topic: „The glory of God”, r.n.)
However, now, the Lord has ordered to humiliate the whole high mountain and the eter-
nal rocks, to fill up the valleys and the land to be leveled so that the faithful people may walk
fearlessly within God’s glory, and My forests and every sweet smelling fruit tree will make a
shadow at God’s commandment, because the Lord will exhort His people with joy and merri-
ment within the light of His glory, with His mercy and His righteousness, as it is written. Amen.
I start with the saints and angels to prepare from heaven and from earth a sweet feast,
joy for My mother, the Virgin, as in ten days We are going to open the gates of the garden, and
again and again We open them so that the faithful people to My coming may enter and come to
celebrate with Me the day of the ascension into heaven of the Virgin, My mother, the day of
her embracing with Me again, an embrace with tears asked and wanted, for My mother had
always called Me and said: “Come Son, for I want to be near You, as You are my son, and I
suffer from Your emptiness!” Behold, the voice of comfort and joy will be heard from heaven
and earth, and the faithful people will lift up his soul to the Lord, for the feast will give a crown
to it. Amen.
Let all, all from heaven and all from earth sweetly serve the day of the feast of My
Mother, the Virgin! I will comfort those gathered at the spring and I will give them power to
become, with every passing day beautiful sons of God and I will shepherd them. Amen.
As in all the eves of the big feasts, with many people gathered at the spring, I give
powers to My people near the spring to prepare My feast for Me peacefully and sweetly, and
they to get ready, full of peace and sweetness between Me and them, among themselves, for the
power comes from Me and makes them want, and makes them able to do, in the same way as
the brightness of My glory in the mountain came from the Father and appeared, and it did not
come from Me. Oh, it is the time for My people to work in great unity and prayer, with painful
supplication from the Father, for it is My tool within these days, and the destroying spirit of this
age sets its teeth on edge and puts forth fresh horns and many heads, one after the other, to try
its strength and its schemes in order to do away with God on earth; however, I, the Lord, have
prepared a new fallow land to be sowed, watered, weeded, cultivated and grown, the fruit
of the new kingdom, the new birth of the world, and I am the One Who makes this dough
grow, and I work once with the hidden scheme of the man of darkness, who says that he rules