The Word of God in Romania 2010.07.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the s | Page 5

2010.07.12. appearance or money. Oh, God does not choose His servants in this way who are no longer of this world if they become God’s servants. Behold, they call you a sect, My people, because this is what they know to say and to understand, as those in My time did too. However, you are chosen by Me from among the thorns and thistles and I have given you a face and life with every passing day to have from Me, and this is how you are one body and one spirit with Me and you are My temple and My house of guests, (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) and I am coming with the saints to you as guests and I am setting you before them, and I am setting them before you too, and we are going to speak with each other on this day, and we love this day, a confessing day, and then we will fill it with the love of My word for man, for man does no longer have where to take from, to know and to understand from God. May the feast of My apostles be blessed into your midst, My people! Oh, bless the Lord and learn this for the days to come, when I will show you as My witness, My good witness during this time, people who come to growth and to your making. Oh, peace to you! We will come back into the book and will leave the teaching in it and the interpretation of the mysteries of the Scriptures, which man keeps under a bushel, under the shortness of his mind. Oh, come, son, come to work on the fields because the harvest is great and we need to work much, too! Oh, do not be afraid, because I am the power, I am the One Who can do, and you are the one who set My word on earth, which says and is done, and you are My help when I come as word on earth, when I come to you from My Father as new word, My word of today between heaven and earth, My people. Amen, amen, amen. * Oh, on this day of feast I, the Lord, announce Myself into the midst of the people of the word of My coming of this time, accompanied by those in heaven, by My disciples of two thousand years ago, with whom I walked on earth from the day of My baptism and until the moment of My ascension again near the Father, after I had completed the whole visible work for which I came on earth to do and then to leave it strengthened in the disciples for those who, from generation to generation, would believe and be baptized in My name, the corner Stone, Jesus Christ, the Rock on Which God founded His church and its servants for the faithful people on earth. We are writing this day on earth and in heaven and We will love this day, a confessing day, with witnesses in heaven and on earth, written into My book of today. My speaking of today and the whole work and its completion is built on the foundation in the Scriptures, as also My work of two thousand years ago with My witnessing disciples near it was built on the foundation, for in the Scriptures of that time, it was brought into view everything that was set in them about Me to come and to fulfill, as also those of today are well reflected ahead of time in God’s book, and I fulfill nothing else but only those that come in a row for Me to bring them on earth, and I do nothing else but only take from the Scriptures, and this is how I work and fulfill. After My ascension to the Father, My working disciples were on earth, and when the time came for them to be able to work at large among people, who were in Jerusalem, inhabit- ants or guests, they unsealed the Scriptures written about Me by Moses and by the prophets and psalms, and which had been all fulfilled within Me, but the stubbornness and the pride of those who were rulers over the people, Caiaphas, Herod and those around them, were so fierce, and 5