The Word of God in Romania 2010.07.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the s | Page 11
the people. The people flee from the Lord’s coming and you have to advise them not to flee from
it, but to come to the Lord instead.
We are speaking now over the Orthodox church because it has been growing so less
after those with hidden plans have come out of it, plans through which they want to strangle
the man’s freedom by the threat that they have to worships only one father on earth, to whom
they are supposed to bring the entire honor as to God. (Pope, r.n.) Oh, get up well, Orthodox
flock, you and your servants! Make peace with God with all your love, for doubtful love is not
good, but the love of a disciple is good, which denies even itself for the love of the Bridegroom
Christ. Oh, the Lord does not let you fall, for He has got a little and tiny people on earth,
persevering to Him for you, but you should also not let yourself fall when your test comes.
Oh, learn the work of the disciples, you, servants upon churches! The Orthodox Church
is little, but if you are still awake, do not be afraid, little flock, this is what the Lord said. Those
who are many have come out and chosen their father on earth, against Christ’s teaching Who
told us not to call anyone father on earth and to have as our Father the One in heaven.
Oh, come Lord, come for good and come fully on earth, as only in heaven and on earth
the Spirit and the bride say: Come! Oh, come at the calling of Your new people, the people of
Your word, come, for only it calls You to come, and everyone on the earth runs away from Your
Oh, always come to praying so that the Lord may also come to you and to be with you,
little and tiny people, which has been eating of the voice of God’s word in this time of darkness,
drought and hunger, as there has never been since ages on earth, as the struggling of Satan has
come to an end and he has been seeking to put the Lord down everywhere, but he will only
deceive himself harder than he deceived himself two thousand years ago, as his time has come
to be prevailed completely by the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Rock of the church, on Whom it was
and it is built the Christian people, the heir of the heavens, the people of the saints, who live
according to the order in which we, the Lord’s disciples of two thousand years ago, were es-
tablished and then we also established it as the life of Christ’s church on earth, the church seen
out of a thousand, and you should be a great hope of the holy church and not overcome in the
days to come, when all the lights from all the windows will be put out because of the tempest of
the faith denial, which will blow everywhere through the man clothed within the garment of a
shepherd to be able to kill the flock as well as and as much as he can. Oh, you are set to be
preserved and to be loved, and whiten yourself son, as white as the light of the day so that you
may shine in the darkness that comes and to give forth light over it, as the Lord is with you, and
you are with Him, and the nations will understand and will bow after the wrath will have passed,
as it is written to be. Amen.
We, Lord, are finishing our speaking, and by the word of today, we are speaking to
everyone like this: «The Lord is in His holy church; He has His throne in heaven, and He
wakes up for the oppression of the poor to bring their salvation and to speak to them plainly,
and there are no voices or words whose voices may not be heard. On the contrary, their
preaching comes out all over the earth and their words to the margins of the world», and this
is how this word will go, and its light will shine on earth to the margins, as a written testimony.