The Word of God in Romania 2010.05.23 - The Word of God at the feast of the H | Page 5
Receive Holy Spirit! Receive, because I am giving it to you! Open yourselves so that I
may give you and that you may take. Amen.
It is a great day for the heaven of My saints in My garden of today on earth, the garden
of the meeting, the garden of My word, when I come together with those who are thirsty after
My word of today. Amen.
And as for you, Father Sabaoth, My Father, embrace them and give them, oh, give them,
Father, as I give them, to have and to have Us too, o Father, as their God, oh My Father, oh,
My Father and theirs! Amen, amen, amen.
The book of today is receiving now in it My celebration on a day of the feast of the
Pentecost with the people coming together at the spring, for I have been comforted with it, I
have anointed My wounds with everything that has been put before the heaven to the glory of
My feast of today, to the comfort of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Spirit of God. My Father
Sabaoth has been comforted with Me and I have been comforted within Him with the glory of
the Holy Spirit, by whom God has been glorified under the tent with the people coming around
for joy and comfort, which have sprung on this holy day from all the hearts, for they have all
been together in a cluster within a holy living, all in one spirit and one love, all warmed up
under the holy feeling of their love for God. Amen.
I have stayed clothed within a mystery into the midst of the feast. I have embraced within
comfort the strong ones, as I have also embraced the weak ones in their soul and love, for My
work with you is great, My people; it is great and mysterious, and I am the invisible One because
of the angelic hosts which are surrounding Me from the sides, and the angels are without body,
as I have spoken on this day about My glory, which is staying mysteriously into the midst of
My mystery with My people of today.
Oh, what would really happen, if My mystery with you, My people, were revealed
by signs and miracles in the eyes of many to the judgment of those who are unfaithful? It
would be as two thousand years ago, when the world and its ruler were judged by everything I
had worked on earth at that time, visibly and invisibly. All those who saw and heard about you
would be judged, all those who are indifferent, all those who are not faithful, all those who
slander, who do not find another way of revenge against Me and against you, My people, and
they do not know that they have send their revenge against themselves, which they work out of
a spirit of foolishness, the spirit of those who are not steadfast and who do not love God because
they love themselves, overflowing to the sides with the poison of their hearts and of their
revengeful tongue. However, I keep you within My mystery to protect you, My people, because
I have to go with you to the end of My walking in this time on earth.
Oh, I would have liked to exhort all of the small groups of the Christian sons from
everywhere and who often come to the spring to take of the joy of My feasts with the faithful
ones, and then I would have also liked to tell everyone the mystery of peace, the mystery of the
reconciliation between God and them, among each other, the brotherly love among them, and
at whom, I, the Lord, to look and get comforted everywhere from those who are faithful and
from those who are good and faithful because of My word of today coming on earth.