The Word of God in Romania 2010.05.09 - The Word of God on the sixth Sunday a | Page 3

2010.05.09. of hunger, Romanian son! If you die, you die because of your disobedience. The food with- out a holy consideration brings sicknesses and pains in your body and in your life, for the saints and the angels take revenge for My wounds from man, and you know that, but you do no longer want to listen to Me. (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving”, r.n.) Oh, Romanian people, the Lord pushes you from behind to do His will, but do not raise your voice in grumbling, do not rise with grumbling upon those who sit at the helm, who will be to borrow from foreign nations for you so that they may bring you into slavery at their will after that. Oh, be wise, Romanian people, for no one, no one is good for you, no one else but God alone. Let us help each other in hardships and shortages, and may it not be too hard for you to get into My holy laws, for they will help you out of all the hardships that are to come. Oh, with great longing, I would like that you may no longer spend any money on sin and I would like you to flee from the poison that comes from tobacco and drinking, because I, the Lord, have blessed only the water and the wine. Oh, I would very much like you no longer to eat meat, for meat makes you sick, both in your body and your soul, and it also brings on you boils within your body and spirit and it fills you with the fear of the body killed by you to eat it after that. It is in vain, in vain, that I have given the man a great commandment: “You shall not kill, man!” (See the selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?”, r.n.) Oh, I have given this commandment in vain for man. Man has attracted Me only to his wills in such a way that I may let him eat meat, but it would be best for him to come to My wills, and by his willing or not, the man will finally come to My wills on the earth, for it is written that the new heaven and the new earth and the justice for all things will come and it will be like that, and My angels will fulfill like that. Amen. Oh, if you, Romanian people, want to listen to Me, you will be the most praised nation on the earth, for My grace and My Spirit will descend on you and He will over- shadow you, and nations will come to you, as it is written, and they will take of My glory with you and will give you many gifts, as it is written by that who is chosen for My glory, and behold, that is why I advise you to make peace with Me and to get used to do My will, oh, My country of today. Be good! Seek to see well into My advice and flee from the taste and the works of sin. Keep the days of fasting, honor the days of feasts and the day of the Lord’s rest; love brotherhood and humility, love patience and holiness and you will see My love and My glory with you, for it is written about you to have life with God on the earth and then to see your Lord with your clean eyes, your Master, Jesus Christ, Who, behold, is speaking with you on your hearth. Oh, do not be afraid of poverty, but rather be afraid of richness, because richness perishes! Oh, do not be afraid of shortages but rather be afraid of all those that are defiled and guilty, because much, much food, from what you take and eat, has got sickness in it for you and it has the spirit of error from God in the disorder with which is made by the man without God in him. And I also ask you, Roma- nian son; God asks you to make the sign of the cross when you drink the water and when you eat, (See the selection topic: „About the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) and worship and pray when you go to sleep and when you get up from your sleep in the night; and also take My Virgin mother as help between Me and you so that you may have a mother and a father, but in order for you to have, you have to listen like a child, for it is written: «If you are not like children, you will not be with God and with His king- dom». (See Matt: 18/3) 3