The Word of God in Romania 2010.05.09 - The Word of God on the sixth Sunday a
The Word of God 1 on the sixth Sunday after Passover, of the blind man from birth 2
The Holy Spirit becomes word on earth and becomes the counselor of men. I, the Lord,
Jesus Christ, am the Word of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and in this name
God has been glorified by His word during these days, and the Father has sent Me to speak on
the earth, for the word of God there is no longer anywhere else on earth, but only the man’s
word is, because man has not got used to taking advice from the Lord for everything that he
works on earth. Even from his beginning in the Garden Eden, man has been speaking and he
has not been speaking as God Who made him. The sin of ingratitude has made its nest in man
even from paradise and because of this, man lost the paradise, and the paradise lost man, the
one for whom the paradise was made by God and behold: «The ox knows his owner, but man
does not know God», (See Is: 1/3), as it is written in the prophets.
I am coming down on earth to make the man know Me by My word and then to
wait for Me and to ask for My advice. Let man reason with Me, and let Me reason with
him, as it is for this that I built him, and I built him like that when I kneaded him out of dust
and then I gave him breath of life and thus I made him into a living being. I am coming down
on earth now, in the end of the time, to make see those that do not see and to take the sight of
those who say that they see, for man has been despising Me even from his beginning with Me.
Two thousand years ago, I became known as true God of true God, as it was written for Me to
come and to pay with My life put on the cross for the redemption of the man fallen from paradise
and from life, and the sick knew Me, but those who were healthy did not want to bow. The
blind man from birth knew Me, but those who were born with healthy eyes did not want
to believe that I was the Christ of the Father, His messenger after man on earth. I took the
clay into My hand, and spat into it to make it soft to be able to mold it, and I made eyes from it
for the one born blind and I put his eyes back to their place and then I sent him to wash his face
and the clay around his eyes to be able to see God clearly and then to see people then and to see
himself as well, after he had lived his life without sight as he had lived by that time. It would
have been enough for the people to believe that I was God coming to them from the Father, as
it was written for Messiah to come from heaven to earth, but they got used to one another and
did not want to get used to God into their midst, and then they crushed Me, and then I went
back into the Father and came back sighing and waiting from then on and up to this day. I wait
and wait. I wait for the man to know Me in My works and I ask him to open his eyes and
see. I can open his eyes, as I have already done so many times with man, but I also ask
him to open them, lest he may not be hurt if I deal with him and with his stub-
bornness, and then at the lack of the sight of his body, soul and spirit.
Oh, Romanian people, I am making My word come nearer to you, the word of the Holy
Spirit. For a while, I have been calling you at My table of word by the spring of My word into
your midst, My table with My people taken out of the Romanians, and I keep giving you heav-
enly advice. I want that you may not be sightless and deaf to My voice that has been calling
you to see, hear, and drink of My well to your life. Since I kneaded the heaven and the earth by
the word, since then, I have chosen you to be My table and My house now, in the end of the
time. Oh, you are now in great hardship, (See the flood and the economic crisis, r.n.) and
take from Me to open your eyes wide, for you do not lack your bread or coat, but you
rather need your reconciliation to Me. Oh, make peace with Me, and I, the Lord, have
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.