The Word of God in Romania 2010.04.18 - The Word of God on the third Sunday a | Page 4

2010.04.18. fruit, from earth and up to heaven, oh, Lord Who are resurrected and confessed by us as res- urrected. Oh, do not be very much aggrieved, Christ’s beloved ones, because of those who do not have eyes to see, ears to hear, mind to understand and a heart to feel God in you! Leave them alone! They are blind guides for themselves and for those like them inside and outside of your living with God on earth! You know the way. It is the love for God and its steadfastness. You know the way given to you by the Lord. Therefore, make disciples to the Lord, and let those, who are losers of souls and of the faith in the souls, get wisdom from above, if they want! However, keep a good watch so that there may not remain any poisonous roots, and clean well the hearts faithful to God the Word and strengthen them in the work of the clean hearts all the time, not only from now and then, for he who does not have a clean heart for you, he does not have any heart for God at all, and they get lost because of their brain disease, which divides them in many parts under satan’s helm, who does his work through man. However, you those who love God and the brothers with the love from above, do not be divided in your love, do not be divided in your heart! Love is God’s mystery, and it dies away in you when you are divided for your love in you. Learn, learn to remain in His love! Ask for advice for this great stature in you, because the devil lay in ambush to blame you as those who are not steady or watchful for the steadfastness of the clean heart in you. We are among those in heaven a people of the Lord’s saints, and the saints see inside of you and they see your invisible work of the mind and heart, and for which you have to work a beautiful and holy testimony before the Lord and before His saints, and for this you have to get used to stay only and only in the Lord, to do only and only His will among you, and let there not be any kind of spirit of judgment among you, for we, His saints, teach you the good things from heaven, for the receiving of your grace in Christ. Amen. And as for You, victorious Lord by the cross and by Your resurrection, put angels to their mouth, to their hearts, to their mind, to their works, to keep them Yours until Your coming, great for us and for them, for they are our witnesses against those who so infamously throw against You and against us by the spirit of falsehood, the spirit of the devil, which judges by the mind of the proud mind, but we, the prudes of Your resurrection, are telling them Your word of two thousand years ago and we are speaking to them like this: «Do not judge so that you may not be judged, for man will be either saved or condemned by his own words». (See Matt: 12/37) Amen, amen, amen. ‒ We also are the people of those asleep within Your coming on this day of our memorial into the midst of Your people of today, oh, Lord, and we have responded to their calling and have come, and we are many, without number, according to the number of our people down to Adam. Oh, open our graves and let us come out then, to come out completely and to stand before You with salvation for us, for You have come with the resurrection of the dead, Lord! Some of us are quiet and some other are aggrieved. Let Your mercy forgive us all, for You have praying servants on Your behalf for us before You here. We are sitting at our table of memorial and looking over Your people of today, Your hope and ours for the resurrection of everything, for the new birth of the world. Oh, if only the people on earth would have a share of Your spring of today’s word before their meeting with You on the way from which we left the earth! You have come as word on earth so that the people may not die in their sins, but to be cleansed by faith and by Your grace from today by Your church of new Jerusalem on earth, springing of 4