The Word of God in Romania 2010.04.11- The Word of God on the second Sunday a | Page 3
My bearers, which I put in them for all the people of My today’s time, fifty years and more of
My word of today on earth. Oh, blessed are those who see God coming down on earth in My
bearers and receive them on My behalf when I stand with them before My people and before
the nations on earth, who hear My voice of today, but even more blessed are those who
not see the place of My descent and My bearers and believe the Scriptures
which are being fulfilled now on earth for My second coming from near the
Father as word to man in order to give to the man the eternal Gospel, (See the
selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.) by which I teach the
man his eternity, his redemption from sin and My kingdom with him on earth! Amen.
– Oh, my Lord and God, because I was Your loving disciple and I was very close to
Your mysteries extremely deep for the mind of the common man, because I was the one who not
only that I saw Your wounds in Your hand and side, but I even touched them, and because You
gave me so much fellowship after You were resurrected, now I am confessing today the wounds
and the little hearts, broken by pain, of Your bearers of today, and I see and am touching and
comforting their pain and I am also confessing that it is great, but the pain has power in them
for the great endurance. Oh, it is so hard for them, wounded Savior! They are submitted to all
kinds of trials, to all the attacks that come from the weak ones and from those that love them-
selves, who are tempting, discontent and weak in their stature, as the man does not know to
love from heaven, and he tries to love from himself, and their wounds are great and their little
hearts are broken, as the apostle Paul says: «Who is weak and I am not weak? Who is made
to fall into sin, and I burn not?» (2 Cor: 11/29) Oh, give them, resurrected Lord, give them
the patience of Your saints and their whole healing, and give them the protection from the whole
evil danger, which blows against their souls, against their spirits and against their bodies!
Protect them from temptations, hold their hands and shake their sprinkled little garment, for
the whole immorality of those who are rebellious and weak in their faith and its love they have
it on their faces, and now they are repenting for all of them and for everything that is coming
to put Your people to test and to put them together with it, for the true shepherd lays down his
life at the feet of his sheep, and even for the restive ones he works like that, oh, Lord. Protect
them and help them to bear without any murmur the guilt for all those who that cannot bear it
and who tests them in every way possible to make them weak and then to overcome them. How-
ever, You are so much forgiving, and so they are, and they lift on their small shoulders the
whole guilt that may come out upon them from the midst of Your people. And I also tell a word
to Your people: “People nourished by God the Word, Whose wounds made on the cross I
touched, you should know that on the first day after His resurrection, He came and told us:
«Peace to you!» and then He sent us saying: «Go into the whole world and preach to everyone
about Me!» (See also Matt: 28/18-20) You should also know, people nourished from heaven,
that all those who strike them recklessly fill God’s face with spittle and slaps, and behold whom
you do not welcome when they are His messengers for the revival of His Spirit everywhere
through the camps of His people! Oh, if not the entire people all over is sufficiently fulfilled for
this faith towards the intercessors between God and them, at least, let those who stumble not
hurry in their wickedness, and I wish you happiness at least like mine, the one who saw and
believed, and to those who are wholly faithful, I wish them the great happiness of those whom,
until they may see, stay seized with the gift of the faith that gives birth to a blessed people for
the Lord, the One Who is coming now on the earth as word. Amen.
– Oh, peace to you, My disciple, who saw Me and believed! Your work was great after-
wards, with which You set Me with My kingdom in the hearts of many on earth. Amen.