The Word of God in Romania 2010.04.09 - The Word of God at the feast of the h | Page 3

2010.04.09. watch, which unites you all in one work. Denigration among you brings about only faction and striking in the brotherly love. Go to one another only for the Spirit of Christ among you, for where My Spirit is, there also love is, there also forgiveness is, and it is good understanding and warmth in the hearts for one another in My name, and it is the heaven of the angels and of the saints with you, in a heavenly togetherness, sons, in days of work and in days of feasts and all My time with you on earth. Give Me to one another with the work without pride, and the devil will flee from you and will not come closer to you. Amen. Oh, sons, you have to understand and know immediately and in all the time the devil’s work and his conspiracies, when these start to appear and to make you stop near them and to despise each other after that to the devil’s joy; however, on the contrary, in love give honor to each other for the mystery of the love within all the holiness of your nature and love, and you will live at peace and in an angelic work among you. Oh, do no longer read My word only once, but read it again and again, to be able to work upon you always, always, sons. Flee from anger and from provoking to anger, for anger keeps the man under its pressure until it makes him do the devil’s will, but love does not do this. It cleanses the man from evil; it wakes him up, it comes into and touches his heart and it makes him beautiful and clean in it, and it is needed a counselor, who has the tool of healing in his hand for the wickedness in man and then for his healing. Oh, the angry man is ugly; the inquisitive man is ugly, and the one who stirs up dissen- sion has no wisdom at all; he rather is the devil’s tool, and he who does not bring God in man cannot be a healer. Oh, take care of the love in you so that you may be able to be My disciples and not to be evil doers after that, sons. Judas was one of My disciples, but he had also worked his things, and with which he had to hide instead, as it was not the love among the disciples but the wickedness that fed him and the lust after merits, and these eat the man up in the spirit of his humility, that is God’s Spirit. Then, Judas hid with his whole work without any counselor upon it, and he who hid in this way, behold, he sold Me on money. Oh, money is seen as useful for man, but little by little, it can take the man’s mind away; it can separate the man from the love of God, from the fear of God, from his cleanness to God, and then the man hides for the guilt in him. Oh, no one gives money on Me to have Me, for man can only sell Me on money, but does he really believe what I tell him? I have taught you, sons, not to handle money; oh, and how beautifully I have taught you! Those who have gathered in a cluster for My living with them did not listen to Me. I clothe the one who has got the administration upon My church with a special work, with special power, with special armor, in order to protect him, and for this I choose a man healthy of the love for God, firm in his whole self-denial and clean in his heart and deed, by loving the light in every- thing and fearing God in his entire work for My church. I have taught you to wash your hands from the money, and then to wash away in a heavenly way, that is in your mind and heart, and only then your hands, for the money is a tool of the devil and it releases its sting into the man’s heart , sons, and it makes the man guilty. I am also teaching you now. If you do not have a word from Me for everything that you work for yourselves and for Me, you will not be able to remain in the work of obedience, sons, and disobedience pulls the man away from My kingdom. My teaching has sought to bring only good to you, only for My good with you and happy is the one that does not reject My teaching from him, and happy I am as well because someone like that. Amen. 3