The Word of God in Romania 2010.03.07 - The Word of God on the third Sunday o | Página 2
gentleness makes them like Me and it makes them firm in the time of hardships, and the spirit
of unbelief does not touch them with its sin and does not overcome them, since I prove Myself
in them by the work with the power of the spirit of gentleness, the spirit that suffers for any
pain on the earth in the man who has it in his nature, a nature born from above in him and not
from below, a spirit without wickedness in the little heart of those who are faithful to Me, and
their cross is sweet, no matter how much it might press them under their weight, but the love
fulfills the entire holy endurance for them, and they are victorious by the cross, like their Shep-
herd, like Me, the Shepherd with the cross, the gentle Shepherd for those who are gentle, and
even more for those who do not love and do not know what gentleness is.
Oh, sons, gentleness is the sweet work of God’s nature in man and is that which makes
man pray to Me for those who hate him, speaking to Me for them: “Father, they do not know
what they are doing, and forgive them, forgive those who suffer because of their hatred!”
Oh, sons, gentleness does not choose the one to whom it is given, and it cannot stay
together with the hatred in man, for it would not be able to share itself otherwise. It does not
stay with those who love themselves, and it gets dry in those who change their creed, for woe
to the poor in My Spirit, sons! I love the cross so that I may stir up in the people the spirit of
gentleness, a sweet tongue in man, inside and outside of him, a speaking with a heavenly sigh
in it, inside the man who has this spirit, and no one without a cross can work with this spirit,
the spirit after which the Lord sighs in order to see the man that he wants to be carried by him,
to see that the man is gentle.
Oh, My people, if the angels and the saints and the Lord keep looking at you on and on,
then let them not see something that is not pleasant in your being, in your deed, in your conduct
and in your nature, something that may not mean the fulfillment of the commandments of life.
The sweet spirit after God can help you to be a beautiful doer for the sight of those who always
look at you from heaven, for your cross becomes sweet for you when you know that the Lord
looks at you for your likeness after Him, while you are carrying the cross, son.
Oh, the stewardship of the mystery of the cross, carried with love, is great! Many suffer
from their committed so that they may be cleansed by them by the sufferance that washes
the man away from his sins, and, again, still many other suffer for endurance and within en-
durance, and the endurance becomes love and it can work in sufferance for many of those who
do not suffer or cannot suffer without self-denial, and I say again: the stewardship of the mys-
tery of the cross carried with patience and love is great. Amen.
Oh, sons, speak with Me in prayer so that I may give you love and power for fast and
for prayer near fast, so that we may destroy the work of the devil on earth and from man. The
power of the fast is love, mercy and gentleness for those without power of love, sons, only
for you to love holiness perfectly, God’s nature in you, well sons, the work which does not
come to an end, and I will comfort you, for I am the good Shepherd, Who knows His sheep.
I have spoken with you about the spirit of gentleness, sons. All of them need it, those,
who come after Me with self-denial, taking their cross and following Me then and not letting
themselves lied by those who do not have the spirit of gentleness, for woe to those who let
themselves be lied and won in this way back on to the evil way, from which they left once to
take My way only for them, the road with stones, which wakes the man up so that he may not