The Word of God in Romania 2010.02.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the t | Page 3
seek to work like the Lord for His flock, because the righteousness for Him and for His sheep
is not the work of the shepherds, but of the sheep thieves. Have love, be faithful, be holy and do
not doubt in yourselves because of these holy powers for those who are saved! Open yourselves
to the Lord! Here is how He is coming to you! Know Him and welcome Him! He waits for you
to open to Him and to receive Him to wipe out your sins and to give yourselves to Him and to
His holy work for the Scriptures of the renewal of the world, for behold, the Lord is coming, He
is coming with the tens of thousands of His saints, as it is written to come, and blessed will be
those who will say to Him: come! Amen.
– Oh, I am staying and listening to your love and work on My right side, oh, My loved
bishops. I have given you a great task now, in the end of the time, for the stewardship of the
Father Sabaoth has given you the share to bless from heaven with a bishop blessing the work
of My today’s word at its beginning in the year of 1955, and then again, to the good end of My
progress further with you with My work then, with My new work, for I have said through My
Spirit: «We make them all new!» I have made a great work on earth and built the New
Jerusalem, and the work of My word had been going very hard for fifty years to reach with it
at the feast of its fiftieth, to the Scripture of New Jerusalem, of new people, a bouquet of flowers,
picked up with tears and unrestrained longing to put it into the vase before the Father and to put
it into the lamp stand so that it may give light and to build on it the life of the age that is to
be after the resurrection of the dead, as it is written. Amen. (See the selection topic: „Resur-
rection of the dead”, r.n.)
Blessed is My work of the bishop through you into the midst of My people! You are My
witnesses from heaven, and I worked and work mysteriously through you, by the work of My
anointment of today, an anointment from heaven, according to the order of Melchizedek, as it
is written in the Scriptures about the mysterious work of God over the faithful in the end. Be
comforted, because I also get comforted, as both the labor and Our sufferance are hard. And the
same is with Our waiting, and those who are not faithful will be brought to shame when the
Lord will wipe out the tears of those who are despised by them because of My further and hard
walking through the faithful ones, and whom will be wiped out any wrongdoing, for they are
faithful and the spirit of repentance is their spirit. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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