The Word of God in Romania 2010.01.20 - The Word of God at the Synod of the S

2010.01.20. The Word of God 1 at the Synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer 2 In a spirit of Epiphany I still am among you and I have walked home with those who have come at the feast of the sanctification of the waters, and you have rested from your hard work, and now we have a table of word for the comfort of My saints, for John, My baptizer, is celebrated by the saints near Me in heaven and on earth, and I want to comfort it within My coming with the saints, sons, who give Me being into the book in the midst of My people of today! Oh, take care for the power of the holy people, for it is the people that I still have! And how you are supposed to take care? Oh, stand before My word in order to be able to come and give it to the people, well, children sons! My word is that which has My people into its care, for My word has power in it. With it, I gather and take care of the people with those in heaven, and with it, I also give Myself to those who hear Me as word coming to you. It is a feast for John, My godfather of baptism, My feast and his, one after the other, as the saints have known from My Spirit to set this order for the feast of My baptism to Jordan. Oh, how shall I not have John, My baptizer, at My table with you within a feast of Epiphany, who had suffered for My name persecution from the middle of the world even from his childhood, and then he also suffered martyrdom for the preaching of My Gospel upon those who believed and upon those who did not believe that I was Messiah, God’s Lamb, on earth? Oh, My people, there is no greater work for man like that to appear into the midst of the people as word and life according to My Gospel full of the resurrection for man, and then I said: «Blessed is he who endures to the end, and blessed is he who does not stumble against Me, and again, blessed is he who does not stumble when it comes to believe from Me by My mes- sengers to the people». Amen. You, those who come to this mountain of grace to take from God for you, do not put small questions to tempt this place covered in mystery or those who are watchful for Me here, but be with a humble spirit, for the temptation for faith does not increase your faith; it does not clarify it, but it is rather stricken by the evil spirit of temptation, as it is written: «Whoever will stumble against the rock Christ, will be smashed by it», and that what you give to receive by temptation is of no use to you, but it is your damage instead; however, your faith received as a gift, not by searching after it to believe, for whoever tempts does not find what he looks for, because the Lord stands against the tempters and makes them come back empty- handed for their things. Oh, if you come up here, then seek to know about Me, not about the watchers of My mountain of mystery and about their life and works, but take from them God the Word, Who becomes a scroll (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.) and Who gives Himself to you to your illumination for those from above upon you, and this is well to have a good conduct in respect with this mystery that I have covered so well for those who believe, for the prophecy is for those who believe, only for them and it is a great gap between those who believe and those who do not believe, and those who are not faithful fall into it, and then they see to their unbelief; they see what they were supposed to believe. My baptizer suffered death from those who were proud in their spirit and who covered themselves with unbelief to protect their pride and the work which they pleased, as death gets ready with many ornaments and becomes beautiful and charming at the first sight and state in 1 2 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A. 1