The Word of God in Romania 2010.01.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 3

2010.01.19. all that were prophesied to be, and they were after that, for Moses prophesied about Me, and David and all the prophets did the same, those to whom I gave the gift of the faith in My mys- teries, unfathomable by the narrow-minded man, and I have not given them to be known, but I have rather kept them between Me and the faithful and wise ones in their mind, and this is how I fulfilled Myself by Abraham’s word and Moses and David’s and that of the prophets, for I am Who I am and I have not asked the great man in his rank for permission when I fulfilled Myself with My works on the earth. Oh, this is how I made and carried the work of My today’s word and of My bearers, and I have worked Mysteriously in the order of Melchiz- edek, as I worked with him and then with Abraham and with all the faithful ones and who meant and mean My history on earth, the bearers of My mysteries among people. However, I need just a faithful man to walk with, for I have found the faithful one with a clean heart and I have given him the gift of faith and helped him to live with it. When I choose those who are Mine for Me, I have to be very merciful, for man is surrounded with his relatives and people of all kind, and until I remain with the pure seed in My hand there is still much work to winnow the chaff, and is much to suffer and endure, and the Lord suffers on earth from the unfaithful and proud man until He chooses His people from among these, and I spoke a great word two thousand years ago for those who were faithful and I said: «Who does not leave for My name parents and brothers, wife and children, relatives and friends, possessions and ranks, and if then he does not deny himself to be entirely Mine, one like that cannot work for Me and cannot be My disciple and a steadfast believer». (See Matthew: 10/37) However, I help the one pure in heart and I endure and suffer with pain waiting until I overcome all kinds of obsta- cles in the way of the one who comes coming to Me, and who comes with longing, and the longing is a road cleansing angel on his way with Me. Oh, how shall I teach you more sweetly for the gift of the faith? You will hear that this way and the faith for it is not good, but you will also hear from your enemies, not from the friends, and no one can be your friend when he takes your power away, the gift of faith, and that one shows enmity to you and then is your enemy. Oh, I thank My Father for the gift of faith, sons, and be like Abraham, who never doubted when his faith was tested, but he stood on his feet. Amen. In a day of holy feast I am teaching you, those gathered near Me at the table of word, I am teaching you, sons, the power of baptism, the gift of the faith by which I want you to be baptized. The baptism in faith is great, sons, and woe to the one who loses it or sells this garment of baptism! Look at David, who by faith saw from far away, he foresaw the time and he foresaw Me a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek, through whom the Father worked, and David said: «The Lord said to My Lord: You are the priest forever, according to the order of Mel- chizedek!» Oh, and My people of today was foreseen in time by the prophets, but the prophecy is only for those who are faithful, and only through them God can fulfill on the earth with His kingdom among people, working it and its mysteries in them, which have been fulfilled, just as those mysteriously prophesied by the Father through the prophets were fulfilled with Me. This is how I have made My work of today and its people and I have witnesses in heaven from among it, and I also have on earth, and I have because I am a Teacher with great power of word and I elect those who are faithful to the end, which will also be through them, and I cannot do anything with those who are not faithful, for they backslide in the time of trial to their shame. I give you, speaking the holy mysteries in a spirit of Epiphany with you, I give you power to believe in them like Abraham, Moses and David, and I teach you how to have faith and how to keep it then as a dear treasure and not to be looted by the enemies who start with 3