The Word of God in Romania 2009.12.14 - The Word of God on the feast of the s | Page 2
time of My trumpet Verginica and I, the Lord, stood against the lie that had a godly face
and I prepared a victorious walking over the earth with My voice of word, and then the
red beast poured out three demonic spirits out of its mouth over the kings of the world to
make them stand up to war and to gather them for the day of their fight with Me, as it is
written about satan who fights against God, to be overpowered and judged and then to be
revealed with its hidden work, by which he wanted to deceive the nations on the earth.
However, I will soon come to an end to be victorious and then I will speak: «It’s done!»
for this is written about the Lamb of God, to be victorious over the red beast now, in the
end of the time, the beast which has had control over the kings of the earth and over their
Babylon, and about which is written to fall down with a great noise once with My trumpet
sounding over the earth, the seventh angel Who will sound the judgment, the Lord, Jesus
Christ, the Lamb of the Father Sabaoth. Amen.
Oh, My people of today, I had sounded the sixth trumpet before I opened My book with
you on earth, and I had been sounding for twenty-five years and preparing My way by which I
came out, and I came out with you, as it is written for the way of My kingdom and of its sons
to be prepared, and with whom I am to fight against the kings of the earth, gathering them with
one mind by their thought to make war with Me to overcome them by the voice of My mouth,
released in the sky over the earth; and moreover, I am to cry out from the temple of the heaven:
«It is done!» and then to show to the heaven the work by which I overcome satan, the old
Oh, My people, when the red beast, (The Communism, r.n.), put its name on this
Romanian land and started fighting with Me, I, the Lord, woke up My last trumpets by turns
and I called out to the people to repent, and once with the word of the beast I also called out
against it and against its lie, and I started to call out from the door of the holy temple, waking
up the spirit of My servant Joseph, (The priest Joseph Trifa, the first apocalyptic trumpet, r,n.)
and he called out and wake up many to sing the victorious song of the Lamb, and then I started
fighting against the red beast. And I kept on calling out again and again by the other trumpets
and then I called out by the sixth trumpet, My Verginica, and I poured out over the earth the
river of My word, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) through which
I prepared the way of My kingdom, and then I came and I opened My book, the book of the
judgment of the creature, and I worked mysteriously, and I worked into your midst and I work
according to the Scriptures, and not otherwise, sons.
Oh, My people, with which I had sat at the table of word during all that heavenly time
on earth, had always been weak, but I have prepared My way of today and behold, I go, and
going I am speaking and fulfilling, and the man’s wisdom will no longer stand against Me,
because I am the Word of the Father and it is written to overcome by the word.
Behold, the convulsion of the beast in agony during My days with you, My today’s
people! My whole heaven has been watching for My victory against it and for your victory for
you are the faithful one and I sealed you with the seal for the faithful ones, but take great care
of your faith, and I have always told you this, for outside is the time of the faith-denial, My
people, and behold, the outside church has clothed in red completely and has made a
covenant with the beast (With the communists and their successors to support Mircea Geoană
to be president, the representative of the left politics – the communists’ successors, r.n.) and
there is no longer a church on earth now, for it has been filled by its dead, because it gave
its control over to the beast (In the time of the communist dictatorship, r.n.) and it did not