The Word of God in Romania 2009.12.08 - The Word of God at the feast of the S | Page 5
has two or three days of fast, (Monday, Wednesday and Friday, r.n.) and I am very much
aggrieved because of the disorder in which the Romanian people stays together with its
shepherds upon it in My name. (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving”, r.n.)
Oh, this holy fulfillment has to be strengthened, for I, the Lord, have to bring this nation to a
great heavenly glory on earth among people and I want to appear with it as a Mount of Tabor
for the nations to come and take My word full of resurrection from this holy mountain, the
Romanian land. Oh the work of My word and the mysteries it carries are great on the
hearth of the Romanian people! Be faithful and not unfaithful, for those who are unfaithful
to My work of today, written in the Scriptures to be, behold, these take the same payment as
those who are unfaithful, and they will take it, for I come near with the reward of justice ac-
cording to everyone’s work, because I have suffered a great deal from the rebellion of those
who of the Romanians have joined now with satan’s spirit to put you away from the helm of
My ship. Oh, no! I am the mysterious One and I work wonderfully, and I have worked as
I promised you that I would work against the opposition who arose to tear you down.
I am embracing you now in My Spirit and I am giving you of My peace. I give you
further blessing at the helm of My ship, Romanian country, as I gave you five years ago,
when in the same way, I kept My people in the spirit of watching and with praying to Me
for you to establish you as the helmsman on My behalf for the Romanian people. Then I
told you to speak from time to time over the people and to let it know now the course of every-
thing to keep it watching and to keep it in truth, both in good and bad things, and I am advising
you the same thing now. From time to time, write epistles on to the people to know the good
and the hardships you go through for it, and let it go with you through it too, prevailing against
all the hardships which are and might come unexpectedly, and this is how you will be followed
by the people and you will brave for it and for Me during this time of trial and waves, for the
antichrist has become great everywhere and he wants to wipe out My name and My trace
from the earth and from the man’s spirit, and it works with hidden work even under the
robe of a holy man. I will help you, but you should also listen to God, and this is how you
are supposed to help Him, for I have helped you now.
Peace to you and good order for you before Me. Let no one, no one despise My election
upon you, and you should appreciate with great humility and you should work with it
from God upon this nation, chosen by Him now for His glory in it, because My word that
flows from Me into the midst of this nation is My glory in it, and the people of My word
is My faithful servant, with which I am very well pleased for the fulfilling of the Scriptures
of My coming again from the Father to man as word on earth, the word of new birth of
the world now, in the end of the time, as it is written. Oh, bow under this staff of shepherd,
bow under My word that leads the Romanian people and of whose river of word many and
much more will drink, for there will no longer be other comfort; there will no longer be any on
earth. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.)
Oh, Romanian nation, I have spoken now to the helmsman upon you, whom I have
strengthened with My miracle and I have strengthened him again at My helm. Oh, always
pray for his good victory and yours from Me, for the time is hard, and I want to be your
help and protection, Romanian son. Oh, the name of Romanian is great! For more than fifty
years, I, the Lord, have been bearing in heaven among saints and among angels the name of
Romanian, for I have a table of word on the hearth of this land.