The Word of God in Romania 2009.07.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the h | Page 8
need, and we near you, His love is great upon you in this time and the reward of His saints is
the work of His word in these days, His word of today is food for the saints.
Amen, amen, we say to you, be the saints of the Lord, you, those who are sanctified by
Him and by the bishops from heaven and from the earth, may your faith, up to the great day of
the Lord in the end of the time, be holy. Peace to you! Peace to the holy people of Israel of New
Jerusalem on the earth now, and spread the news of repentance to everyone to the forgiveness
of the sins, for the kingdom of the heavens has come very much near and it is with you and all
those who come to repentance need it, sons. Amen.
– Behold, My work of disciples on the earth is accompanied by disciples from heaven,
and now there is no other place on the earth and worked on it as it is here. I, the Lord, keep you
within great mystery and I embrace you and make from you a joy to those in heaven, sons of
My people of today. Tell to all those you can tell, tell them that the kingdom of the heavens
has come near and tell the people to repent for it! I have come with it to you and I am getting
out with it from you as word to the people, sons, and those who believe will come and take the
word of life and will learn their way with God. Amen.
Peace to you now! We are finishing now the work of My feast of today with disciples
from heaven among you, and the Father seals in heaven and on earth My work of today into
your midst, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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