The Word of God in Romania 2009.07.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the h
The Word of God 1 at the feast of the holy apostles Peter and Paul 2
I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, God’s word, and I am making My entrance into My book
of today, and My word is feeding a people elected by My Spirit from among the Romanian
nation, as I have been coming to a halt for more than fifty years on this land with My second
coming from the Father to man, and I am enveloped within the word, and this is how I am
working, and this mystery is an unfathomable mystery, and blessed are those who hear My
word and fulfill it and give it further for the man to take from it and to make the man know Me
and then to believe that I am the One Who is speaking and prophesying in the midst of this
nation. I am calling the Romanian people to repentance and to the faith in My word of today,
for I was prophesied two thousand years ago that I would come on the earth with hosts of
angels and saints and My name would be the Word of God (Apoc: 19/13.) and that I would
lead this nation, and through it I would lead all the nations of the earth. Amen.
Oh, he who loves himself cannot fulfill My word, if he takes it from you, My today’s
people of Romanians. Man is very much bound to his body and to the fruit of his body and he
cannot leave off pleasures, and he gets enchanted with them so that he may not love Me, but I
seek as much as I can and watch as much as I can, to be able to have a numerous people, and I
want you to be in it with a holy soul, as I put it in man, and I seek for it to be clean in his heart,
clean in his mind and will, and I seek to make him long after Me, the one who comes to be into
My flock of New Jerusalem, and if he comes otherwise, then his spirit does not keep one like
that in Me, and then he shows his face that he has loved himself near Me and then he goes back
to his things with great desire, for two thousand years ago I spoke a great parable about the
kingdom of the heavens taking after a fisherman who cast his net into the sea and all kinds of
fish, great and small, were caught in it. He then threw the little ones back into the sea and the
greater ones he retained for himself and he made his kingdom in them. I am the One Who can
do this work; I am the fisherman, as that is why the Father has sent Me after the man on the
earth now, clothed in the word, and My disciples worked and work likewise, for they have their
work from Me. Amen.
Oh, how much I like to speak from the Father upon you, My people of today! I have
made you by the work of My Spirit, son. I have revealed Myself to you so that You may find
Me and hear Me, and I have given you faith and then I have put your little soul on fire to follow
Me, and this is how I was working in the time when I came on the earth in the flesh. I chose
My apostles and I made My kingdom in them and I appeared with it over the whole earth full
of power and love, and then I ascended again to the Father, but I also remained with them
wholly and I worked from the Father in them, and they worked in Me, for I asked My Father in
My prayer for them: «Father, I want to be in them, and they in Me, as You are in Me and I
in You». (John: 17/21.) And My Father listened to Me like that and this is how I gave them, I
and the Father gave them the Holy Spirit, Who had knowledge in them and then they worked
like Me on the earth, and they worked on the earth even more, for they were working by faith,
not by sight, and this is the greatest power in man, God’s power in man. Amen.
Oh, My people, You are of great value to God. Your faith in the work of My word has
got great power in you, power from God, little son, for I said that God’s kingdom belongs to
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.