The Word of God in Romania 2009.07.07 - The Word of God on the feast of the b | Page 6
Oh, let the people take care of My Holy Spirit between son and son and let there be
harmony like that among angels between sons, and let the small causes not have any power, let
the son of this people not make Me grow less. Oh, let the people stay under a guidance with all
the things inside of each son, for those outside will be seen when they come out. Oh, let My
people always stay prepared, always in the light, and let it not forget its darkness, for darkness
means those that are inside the man and which he keeps unknown, to his disadvantage. I have
taught the Christian to be a house of glass in which the things inside of him may always
be seen, and this means for him to love the light and to walk within the light. I have always
and very much heard the Christians saying to each other and desiring that their works and words
not to be known at the gates. Oh, woe to you, sons who have done this, for you do not know
whom you have served if you worked in this way! And behold, I still hear anxiety in hearts, and
each one wants to come out well at the gates before Me, but I have taught the Christian to put
oneself right with God, not with the one who carries God for him. Oh, I have always taught the
Christian this, and I still teach him not to deceive himself like that, for he who does so, falls
from My little boat, and I have asked the Father to help Me within My wound, and no longer to
allow My sons to fall from the little boat, but I have to teach My people always, always, and
always to keep it away, always to remind it that satan does not love it and that it needs to love
God according to the truth to get away from satan’s temptations, when I feed My people from
the Father.
Oh, children from the gates, rely on those who have stood on their feet and in faith
among those anointed for My holy things, and take care of those who are freshly ordered for a
holy service and always watch for them to be worthy for the holy work and then obedient, as I
am, and I lay down My life for My sheep, and let them do likewise, with endurance and love in
their ministry and with great wisdom for the souls. Oh, let them not take into consideration all
that are and come. Let them not seek to take into consideration those that come for trial as mere
people, but rather let them know to go on with faith and let the causes that weaken the soul be
put away, for the Lord deserves more, sons, and the man has to be patient and obedient, and
these two are the easiest works for the soul, which make the soul have rest, and they do not
worn out the man. Amen.
Oh, we will go on with the fulfillments of My word brought from the Father and we will
make holy settlements in My people, and I will find My rest into its midst. Much spiritual work
is needed. It soothes the wounds that weaken My walking and yours, sons. Oh, singing of praise
and of prayer is needed, both in your staying and at your work, and spiritual speaking is needed
in the time of the work by the hand, for this is how the angels and the saints are gathering
together for their food and in order to do with you the work that we have to bring into sight, My
work from Me with you, sons. Oh, work only under blessing, sons! Speak the word of My
blessing everywhere you work and are, for on the Romanian forehead, on its scepter, it is writ-
ten: “Nothing without God,” and let it be so in My people, and let it be fulfilled with blessing
any of the things, small or great, for I have ordered sons on My behalf for those of My people
that need blessing.
Oh, always wash your hands, wash from the world, sons, for the interfering with the
body of the world makes holiness cry, sons! Keep away from the spirit of the world when
you work through the world and do not let yourselves be attacked, and you should not
love or want those made by the world for it. Be wise when I, the Lord, tell you to be My
saints! Be full of spiritual heart and holy noise like the angels in heaven. Have your little mouths
by which you praise and confess God to each other, have a heart within which to carry and