The Word of God in Romania 2009.03.22 - The Word of God on the third Sunday o | Page 5

2009.03.22. heaven, and the rich man, without a mentioned name, spoke through Me and related his condition after his departure from the body, and behold, let all be terrified now when they hear those in the grave confessing, as the rich man I spoke about in My Gospel of two thousand years ago, confessed, and now when many who left their body confess, having the word of My today’s Gospel as their intercession. Behold, today we are remembering this little soul after forty days of the departure from his body and after the forty holy liturgies will be completed for his atonement and forgiveness, through Me, the sacrificed Lamb and I, the Lord, will give him reconciliation to the Father, for I have power to forgive the man’s sins, and it is for this that I have set now My work of word during these days between heaven and earth. Oh, I have mercy of every soul lost in sins and I want to save the people, and you, those who stay before Me for the reconciliation of the creature to the Father, stand hand in hand with Me and be full of humility, and seek more and more after My likeness, for I am gentle and humble, sons. Seek sons, to be clean in your heart and deed, clean between brother and brother all the time, clean between Me and you, and seek to keep the people on the way with Me in this way, and work with it like Me, to My joy, and I will give you forgiveness, mercy and comfort. Amen. And as for you, children from the gates, strengthen My work; strengthen it for My com- ing as word to My people and to man. Oh, how much I had to speak, oh, how much! However, I am speaking as I can, as one can speak, and I am speaking with great patience. Oh, be like Me either! Let us be patient, sons, let us suffer being patient, for the reward from the Father is sweet in those who are patient, and it will be their comfort. Amen. Let My entire people stay under the cross! Amen. I want to teach you the love under the cross, My people. I had love from man both under the cross and on the cross. Oh, let your love blossom son and we will be comfort and power to each other, for the cross gives us, and it protects us from the evil one. Amen. Happy, happy are and will be those under the cross, those who are in obedience of God by today’s work of My word, which is calling under a shepherd staff those who are saved, those who are faithful, those who are poor in spirit and who love their salvation in this way. Amen. Peace to you, My people! Sweeten your mind, your heart and your soul with My entire word upon you, for the saints and the angels stay in groups at My voice upon you, at My today’s speaking with you, My people. Amen, amen, amen. 22-03-2009 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: 5