The Word of God in Romania 2009.03.01 - The Word of God on the Sunday of Adam | Page 4

2009.03.01. more and deeper and deeper, but woe, how far away is the human kind from this holy work of the sight of their sins! Oh, it is hard for the man, which becomes intelligent within himself, for such a man sets himself wiser than God on the earth and lets the Lord be small, and then the black angel leads him and all his work against God! Even from his birth the man has a white and a black angel, and it is known when one or another leads him. Oh, do not seek revenge yourselves, you, the Lord’s sons, and you, men’s sons! Be serv- ants of love! It is patient and kind, it does not get angry but it humbles itself and is not proud. Oh, sons of the Lord’s word, take care of the fruit of your prayer! Do not let the devil take revenge in you while you are praying, for those who take revenge turn their prayer into sin. If you deeply make the Holy Spirit of your brothers suffer, you pray in vain to the Lord in the time of your prayer. Do not be troubled but rather be content in your prayer lest it may be born in you the spirit of revenge against brothers while you are praying, for this is the devil’s will. Oh, do not blame your neighbors or yourselves when revenge comes into your heart! The holy fa- thers of Christ’s church are setting in this day over the church the memorial of the Lord’s Gospel about prayer and fasting, as on this day one announces that a fifty-day fasting begins for the preparation of soul, body and spirit of the faithful and holy man and of the faithful and sinful man through weaknesses, so that he may have control over the weak things in him, at least as long as time announces fasting and prayer, as the man knows it from the fathers. Oh, how beautiful it was on that day when the Lord took His disciples with Him and went up on the mountain to teach the crowds speaking to them about those who were blessed within Him and His pains, and then how beautiful He taught them how to do the works of mercy in secret for its reward then and how to pray to the Father to keep them from temptations and to forgive the mistakes of their neighbors in such a way that their Father might also forgive their mistakes as well, because if the man did not forget his neighbors, the Father would not forget his mistakes either; oh, and then He was teaching them all and He was teaching them from the mountain and He was speaking to them to fast in secret during the days of fasting, with their serene face and their anointed head for the Father to reward them, and He also taught them not to receive anything from the earth to their heart lest their treasure may be on earth, for the man does not believe that he cannot serve two masters, but they had better leave their Father to give their necessary things, and they should seek after the Father’s kingdom with them, and He will take care of everything necessary for the sons of obedience, and then the Lord also spoke to the crowds: «Do not judge, so that you won’t be judged. For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you measure, it will be measured to you». (Matt. 7:1, 2) And then He taught them about love and its fruit, and all of them were amazed of His teaching, as One Who had power and not as their teachers. Behold what a sweet remembrance of Jesus Christ, the Lord, He Who sat in counsel with the Father at the beginning of the creature and then He took the dust into His hand and kneaded me in His image and after His likeness and then He breathed from Him a living soul over me, and I stood before him, listening to His word spoken upon me, and which I trampled down afterwards, because violation against God is death. Now I come with the Lord and behold, I am speaking to the crowds on the earth. Oh, if only they heard my testimony full of sigh! Oh, the Lord has got great pain now in the midst of His people and He is afraid to speak about it; the Lord is afraid of the revenge from man. Oh, the Lord has caught fear of man and He takes care to protect this work by which He walks on earth to draw everyone to the Father, as it is written, for if He did not come now, no one, no one on earth would call out to the people anymore to come back to the Father, for all people do something else on earth and the Lord is 4