The Word of God in Romania 2009.02.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the t | Page 4

2009.02.12. Oh men’s sons, God is not the God of the dead, but of the living ones. You shall not speak with the dead then when you pray and speak in prayer with the saints of the Lord, but you should rather speak with the living ones. We strengthen your faith within the Lord and within His saints. Be faithful! Those who are faithful lose nothing; those who know to have the Lord on their side by faith, placing His saints as their intercessors before Him. Be on the watch! The sin of the faith denial comes down on earth in a covered manner, and the Lord takes care to open your eyes to understand and to cry out to Him for your salvation from under sa- tan’s dominion. Oh, love poverty and little of eve- rything, because the deceiving and passing riches do no good to you. Love holiness and stay awake so that your house may not be broken into, so that it may not enter your heart the deceiving spirit, which comes with a hidden face to you in such a way that you may not see his horn. The Lord has woken you up always, always by those who are His loved ones on earth. Oh, Romanian people, stay awake, for you stay on the land of the country of brightness, proph- esied by Daniel, the prophet, for the Lord stays on your hearth as the word of the Shepherd and He has been speaking on the earth in these days. Take heed at His voice of Shepherd! Watch out so that the thief may not come against your faith, and strengthen it to have it, to have grace by it and to have victory against satan by your faith. Amen. And as for You, Lord, strengthen our word, the word of Your bishops over Your today’s people and over the Romanian people, and wake him up to watch and to prevail against Your enemy and his into Your name. Give a strong faith to the Romanian people, for his holy ances- tors stand before You for the hearth of the Romanian people, the citadel of Your coming as word on the earth now, in the end of the time. Give to the Romanian people a threefold blessing, and let his victory be great, oh, little Lamb of the Father! Oh, wake up the Romanian people and set him to watch and give him the victory, oh, Lord! Amen, amen, amen. – Oh, beloved disciples, be servants on My behalf over My people and over My work of today! I strengthen and bless to fulfillment your speech over My people and over the Roma- nian people. Amen. 4