The Word of God in Romania 2008.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | Page 6
paradise, for man was set in paradise with his first body and over which he had to have God,
Who knew how to make him and Who knew to keep him and to work him always so that the
Lord could be able to have the man and that the man might not have himself, but the Lord to
have him instead if He made the man to have him. However, this wisdom left the man out even
from the beginning, and this happened because the man opened himself to the foreign spirit, the
one unknown to him, and the unknown can only make harm to man, as it had already happened
even from the man’s beginning, and then I, the God Word, spoke the word and said to the spirit
opposing to My will in man: «I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between
your offspring and her offspring. He will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel».
(Gen. 3:15) Behold, the wisdom, which the man forsook in paradise, made the man become
God’s enemy, enemy by hiding, enemy who has not received anything but sufferance over his
body and curse over the earth, which was supposed to be a nourishing and of food giving
mother, if the man had remained in obedience and not in hiding of God. When I, the Lord,
spoke this over man, I was and I was not the man’s enemy, but the man alone makes God his
enemy then when he hides from Him as he would hide from an enemy, and then he alone makes
the man his enemy as well when he hides from man as he would hide from an enemy.
Oh, God’s mystery with man is great and I want the man understand this mystery and
the man to be able to perceive it as My mother, the Virgin, perceived it and wanted it in all her
time after My resurrection by which I went to be with the Father, for then she longingly wanted
to come into the kingdom of the God’s invisible things, Who nourished with them her longing
after them, because she was the dwelling place of the cleanness and the light of all her things,
for she did not know in her body and spirit the spirit of the hiding that comes through the work,
but she knew only the wisdom of the mysteries, which had to be kept in secret for their protec-
tion before men, for men are enemies to each other by their hiding and there are enemies by
self aggrandizement, by working haughtiness, for man demolish man for his greatness on earth
and he does not do this for something else.
Oh, My dear mother! Your love and patience was sweet, My mother! The mystery of
your life, the mystery of your heart was your love and mercy, for great was the feeling of your
loving of people spirit, My mother! The mystery of your life, that which was above any other
love on earth of the man, clean in his heart and life, the mystery of your love carried in it the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’s will, the love which is called God and by which you loved
the people, all the people, mother, for you had mercy on them, and you suffered within yourself
from this mercy just as those, in whom We put the mercy for man to its work, mother, have
pain in themselves today too; mercy which works for man, My mother. In your day of feast I
have opened the mystery of your longing, for this day carries in it your joining with the home-
land from above, with the invisible things of God Creator, mother, but they are a heavenly
mystery and are not hiding from man, but rather they are carried by God in secret for those who
love Him on earth, waiting for their union with Him, as you waited for it all your life on earth,
My mother. Oh, rejoice over the day of your coming among those from heaven and scatter the
love of God over those who seek after Us in the house of the mysteries, in My work of word,
here, at its spring, mother. Amen.
– Oh, my Son, Who are full of word now, in the end of the time! In the time of Moses,
when You had been speaking into the midst of the people of Israel for forty years on its way to
Canaan, You had appeared as a strong God over the nations of the earth so that they might
become the way of Your path with the people of Israel from place to place to the land of promise,
but like Adam in paradise, Your people became haughty and fell from the way, and that people