The Word of God in Romania 2008.08.02 - The Word of God at the feast of the s | Page 2
within his body and without his body in the eyes of the man, for this are those from heaven
before those who are in their body, who strike in the power of the man’s faith, who lives by
faith and works likewise, as it is written. (See the selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah”, r.n.)
I am coming with the spirit of comfort over your spirit in this day, My people, for you
need much, much comfort. You are under trials and beatings. The spirit of comfort comforts
and it does not strike, and those who do not have it from Me in their being, they have each other
with their sight, the sight of their body and mind and people like these cannot rest within My
mysteries and the mysteries in them either, for they are in the flesh. How comes in the flesh,
sons? Oh, their mind does not pass beyond those things that they see with the eyes of their body
and with the mind of their body and that is why they do not have in them the spirit of comfort,
which comforts and does not crush and it bows down and does not become haughty. Oh, the
things from Me between man and man do not stumble against man and against his weaknesses,
but they rather stumble against man’s unbelief, for unbelief cannot do anything.
Oh, sons, My enemies were and are the people in My household, not the foreigners,
sons: they are those near My work, not the strangers. This is how I was also regarded by
the unbelievers, who set their faith in My works according to their mind and not according to
My Spirit Who works in the prophets. I could not work in My homeland, for the man’s enemies
are those in his household, as it is written. Elijah, My prophet, was helped by those who were
strangers for him. When mourning threw him down because of Israel’s departure from God, he
delivered a prophetic word for the rain not to fall on the earth, and there was great famine in
Israel. However, I told him: «Arise, get you to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell
there: behold, I have commanded a widow there to sustain you». (1 Kings 17:9) And he went
because of My sending and spoke to the woman: «The jar of meal shall not empty, neither
shall the jar of oil, until the day that the Lord sends rain on the earth». (1 Kings 17:14) And
if her child fell sick and died, she spoke to Elijah: «You have come to me to bring my sin to
memory, and to kill my son?» However, seeing this, he spoke the word and said: «Lord my
God, please let this child’s soul come into him again». And then the woman said: «Now I
know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth». (1
Kings 18-24)
Oh, My people, for a long time, long ago, I have wanted to teach you the gift of proph-
ecy, son. Oh, My people, I can do nothing with the unfaithful one or with the one who
believes as he wants to believe or with the one who looks for an occasion to fall away; I
cannot, I cannot work with a man like that to do My work that has been waited to come
out for seven thousand years and then to be. The one who seeks for an opportunity to fall
away, that one finds what he looks for, but the one who looks for faith in Me, that one,
again, finds what he looks for, and he finds God in his way and not a stumbling block. The
man chooses alone what he looks for, and that is why I said that the one who does not stumble
against Me for his faith in My works to receive them and then to fulfill them, that one is a
blessed man. I said this to My disciples two thousand years ago, for they, being weak people,
were stumbling because I had always bowed to the weak people, to those who suffered and to
those who were despised, because only those who bowed under My voice calling to rest and
peace and comfort, and those who appeared by their state, by their robe that they were righteous,
they had always been looking to catch Me by the word, and finding Me guilty to destroy Me
with mockery and under cross, for their heart with which they were far away from Me was not
able to touch the love and its great work.