The Word of God in Romania 2008.05.18 - The Word of God on the fourth Sunday | Page 2
forgiven only because she loved God with power, with great power. Oh, behold, what love does
for God in man! He who loves this work of word much, My work of coming again with the
man’s salvation from sin, his sins are forgiven only because of that, only that I want to see
with him all the things that were in the heart of the sinful woman, who came after Me with
tears of repentance and limitless love for My being, for My work over man, and blessed is
with Me he who knows and follows Me then with much love, after he has found Me in this
spring, with whom I am coming now on the earth. Amen.
Oh, My people, the time has come to speak to you, son, with a powerful word, and
behold what I tell you: you, those who believed and believe and will believe in My work of
word, following Me through it by her teaching voice for the life in man, love very much
these children through whom I pass to feed you with My great word of love and resurrec-
tion, and your sins will be forgiven only for this, for My burden upon them is heavy, and they
have to be loved with all the man’s heart, and you shall not blame them at all any time for the
wandering of their heart of Christian, but they have to be welcomed by the Christian so that it
may be healed of his wandering away and not to fall through it, so that I may speak again: no
one and nothing can do any harm to man but the sin in him, for which no one and nothing
has any guilt except him in everything. I spoke to the man who had been sick for thirty-eight
years after I healed him by the word: «If you are made well, sin no more, so that nothing worse
happens to you», but first I asked him: «Do you want to be made well?» I saw him coming
always to the healing water by the angel’s coming down over it, and his hope in God brought
him again and again to the healing place, but he was very sick and could not walk alone to
get into the water when it was troubled while by the angel’s coming and who was healing. I
healed him by the word, commanding him: «Take your mat and walk!», and at My command,
he walked and was made well at that very moment. Oh, this is how My word is born on the
earth, but the man is not like God in his speaking, because he speaks from himself and he does
not know like God, but he is like man, and that is why the man does not know the mystery of
his healing and of his power, a mystery which stays in God for man and not in man, and that is
why I, the Lord of the powers and mercy, come and meet the man to make him know Me, to
love Me and to follow Me then with great love, and that I may heal him from all his sins, for
his love of God, love with tears, love with power in it, My people. Amen.
I come down on the earth as word of life and I call the man to Me; I call him from death
to life, for there is no one to heal him from death on the earth. The man needs humility and
love, by which he may come and tell Me: “Lord if You want to, you can make me clean,” and
I to tell him then: «I want to. Be made clean». (See Luke 5:12, 13) Humility helps the man to
come to Me, and his love makes him believe and to be healed, and this is how I help him to
come from death to life, but if the man does not have power of waking up he does not get up to
come either, but he remains sick, poor of him.
And now, I cry with a painful voice and full of longing, and I call out again a word of
revival for the whole Romanian people and I say:
Oh, Romanian people, Christ is risen! I Myself give you this greeting of resurrection,
for then I was resurrected and at that time the Father spoke your name among the heavenly
things, and He has sent to you a little garment of baptism and this is how He has built you to be
Mine before Him. Since then I have been waiting for your glory of today, My coming on your
hearth with the glory of My word for the renewal of the world by your new birth and then of
the world under heaven, as it is written, and you get up now when I call you to be! Oh, stand