The Word of God in Romania 2008.05.11 - The Word of God on the third Sunday a | Page 3

2008.05.11. And now, I, the Lord, call those who condemned Me then, I call them and I set them at My table of word, and let them come and confess. I am Who I am, and I am the crucified and resurrected One and I have power over the living and over the dead, over the slaves and over the free. Let Caiaphas, Ana, Pilate and Judas all come and confess that I am the One Who have endured for seven thousand years. Amen. – Oh, no one can have so much mercy than You have, the merciful One for Your tor- mentors, for whom You cried on the cross to the Father and prayed to Him saying: «Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing?» (Luke 23:34) Then You said that it was fulfilled with You all that was written in the book of Moses, in the prophets and in the Psalms, and we, those that were two thousand years ago, came to be those who fulfilled the Scriptures about Your crucifixion. Oh, if You want, if you can, write us as the fulfillers of the Scriptures that were fulfilled with You as it was written. Willing or not, we confessed You as true God, for if we condemned You as a man, You were resurrected from the dead as God, and if we did not condemn You, You were not able to be glorified by Your resurrection for the resurrection of every man who wants it. Oh, write us as disciples, for we paid on the earth by the torment of our soul and then our body, and when we gave our soul, You were the One Who came and met us, showing us the signs of the nails on Your body, Master of life and death. We were feeble, we were weak, and we put each other off with fine words about Your death. We sent You from one to another and then we made the people say that You were Man against God, and the spirit of unbelief arose greatly in the people and Your sufferance was fulfilled on Gol- gotha, oh, Son of God, and we were then like blind people and our eyes were prevented to see, and this is how we fulfilled the Scripture for scorn against You and for Your sacrifice on the cross for the human kind guilty with sin. Now You have called us to a table of memorial for the world of those asleep, and who can stand against your works? Here we are! We are guilty before You and before Your people that confesses You into the midst of the Romanian people, the way of Your coming as word of judgment from the Father to the man on the earth. (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment”, r.n.) If You want, you can cleanse us from our sin by forgiveness and do not let us forever in the fire, for our soul has been burning within great torment, but it still hopes in You, the One Who died on the cross, put by us, and then the One Who were resurrected by the cross. Then we were ashamed of You and of Your glory full of humility, and behold, we stand with shame before You and before Your Father and Your saints and Your people of today. And now be it done according to Your will with us, but do not forget that You are merciful, that You are long enduring, if You want, for You have come now on the earth with great power, with much, much word, and Your word is like a river in which the man can wash away from his guilt. We can no longer do it, but You can wash us. You and Your people, interceding now for the salvation of the creature. May Your will be done, but we also know that You are enduring as You were two thousand years ago, when You endured with love the fulfillment of all that were written before about You, about You and about us, those who caused You great sufferance for the atonement of the sins of the world. Then we were judges, we and the world, and now You are judge and You are just, but You are also long enduring, for You are God, You are the Son of the Father Sabaoth and of the Virgin mother, and You also come to judge the living and the dead, and You are without beginning and without end, and You are the beginning and the end as well. Amen. And now, if You also want for us, You know this and we receive. Oh, receive us; receive us for the prayers of those who have been praying on the earth for our guilt and for its forgiveness before You! Amen, amen, amen. 3