The Word of God in Romania 2008.04.20 - The Word of God on the sixth Sunday | Page 2

2008.04.20. about truth and about lie, about light and about darkness, for these oppose each other and strug- gle in the same body after the man takes the side of one of these. Oh, My people, stay with faithfulness near My bosom and receive My word and fulfill it upon you, son, for any work that is persecuted when it works in My name, that is from God, because only God is the One persecuted on the earth, He and those who love Him, receiving beatings, denigrations and crushes as He did. Woe to those who run away from the cross getting tired with it, for the life without cross is a shameful life and it draws the man only and only under the spirit of lying and of the empty glory, the spirit who opposes God with rebellion, for this is how this opposition of spirit against Me in man is known, and it is known by its rebellious work. Oh, those who revolt do not gain anything, anything. They do not gain even their freedom, for there cannot be anyone more enslaved than them, because they are slaves to the fruit of discontent, of murmuring and unbelief, and behold, woe to the happiness of those who are unfaithful in this world! Oh, Christian, if God has opened your eyes to step in your walking on this way in which I come as word on the earth to build with it a people for the Father and for the heaven, do not seek to fall into the spirit of doubt and of unbelief, for those who separate from the body of this people will be put to shame, both in heaven and on earth, and again, those who stay and do not know to be alive and to give to God according to His pleasure. The unbelief in which he who comes to be and then falls because of his doubt, this is a very shameful pay, and this reward proves him out, it brings his unfaithful life into view, that without a stature pleasant to God, for the unfaithful rise in revolt and then try to thin out in My people, and that is why I said about the one who comes and then leaves becoming a traitor, that it is enough to step aside and this means betrayal because he betrays God, with Whom He stayed and then he leaves off God’s mysteries, and a man like this makes his own mind and then works only evil with it, only re- bellion, only death, as only the devil works again by those who are gained by him and in whom he becomes seven times stronger, as I said by the word two thousand years ago about those who fell from grace. I promised you, My people, that I would come to you and tell you how the faithful man is able to stand up again against Me. I wait to be able to work before you with power, with vigor. I wait for the power in the gates to be able to come with solid food, with much word, for those who have helped, without waiting for them, poor of them, the rebellion which is slapping My cheek, they filled My forehead with thorns and My face with slaps, My body with whip- lashes and bruises for their discontents. However, do I really owe them anything, or they owe Me instead? Two thousand years ago, I was speaking with many who believed in Me and I wanted to set their being, for they were not made, but when it was to walk with them, My word had no room in it, and I was telling them: «If you do not believe in Me, you will die in your sins.» (John 8:24) This is what I am telling those of today who have come and have not stayed to their making, but they have even despised Me instead, they hit Me, they betrayed Me, they blas- phemed Me and I tell them this: if you do not believe in My word and in My bowing to you, then you will remain in your sins, as those of two thousand years ago remained, who did not let Me cleanse them, but on the contrary, they took Me and crucified Me. Behold, the sins they have committed do no longer let the man to be cleansed by them anyhow, but more, he even tries to justify them, to protect them and to have them, and I can no longer help people like 2