The Word of God in Romania 2008.02.24 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the | Page 2
keep God as your God only with your holy life, for the love for God means faithfulness, and this
works holiness before the loved One. Oh, do no longer waste your treasure, for soon, soon, I, the
Lord, will call you to account for your life, for the treasure God has put in each man, and which
the man has to present it before the Lord, adorned like a bride for her bridegroom.
I have put a great sign on your head, a great mystery, the mystery of Christ’s bride,
and I am coming to you to teach you how to wait for Me to come and to glorify Myself into your
midst, My country. My wedding with My bride taken from you, the Bridegroom and the
bride’s mystery is into our midst (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) and
watches for your life, but come to the table, come and take from My table the most valued pearl,
the mystery of My kingdom in man! Take Me in your living, My country, and let My face shine
on your face, after My will. Amen. Oh, this is not hard for those who love God.
Oh, My country at the end of the time, by your love for Me, I want to protect you from the
evil coming out of your midst and that which is around you, but give Me your heart to make My
dwelling place in it and to protect you by your faith in My word, which comes to appoint you as
Mine, and then to adorn you with the robe of holiness. Oh, you should not find it difficult to be
Mine, but rather let it be difficult for you to belong to the spirit of the world, the losing spirit of
this age, for the spirit of the world opposes God and with all its faces it struggles to wipe out the
Lord from the earth and from the heaven and to rule everywhere over the man’s being, but I give
you great blessing for the victory over the spirit of the world, and you should take from Me what
I give you, for I come to give you life, protection and glory over your head. Oh, come near Me so
that you many not go hungry! Come home, come to God and come in God, for there is hunger
of life on earth! I, the Lord, wait for you to embrace you, to protect you and to increase the spirit
of the holy faith, by which you may be able to work with Me.
Oh, My country from the end of the time, you are the mystery of the heavenly home-
land because I have into your midst the spring of the river of life, My word, which flows from
you over the earth, My chosen New Jerusalem, My citadel, from which the law of holiness
flows over the earth, as it is written, only the people to take from it and to be their path to God
and their life before Me then. I leave upon you the exhortation of holiness, My country, for it is
written: «He who keeps My commandments knows that this word of longing means God, Who
comes towards man to call him from death to life». Amen.
I give you power for your resurrection, My country. Get up to do My will and to sanctify
My name on earth, for the people on earth want to put out My name and My life over man. I
come soon to appear as true God and to put to shame the man’s unbelief and his haughtiness, by
which he has ascended above Me. However, I come soon with great glory, with a great sound
of trumpet (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) and I will appear from
your midst that I am He Who is and He Who comes, for I have had on your hearth the table
of My coming in great mystery, the table from which I take and give to those who want like
God, and behold, I tell the nations of the earth: Come towards My table, come towards My
mountain to teach you the way of the life and you to walk on it! Turn to Me, for the spirit of
the world is a spirit losing of people, and only I rule over the wisdom and the life for the man!
Come back to God and I will give you rest and I will give you power to become God’s sons! Turn