The Word of God in Romania 2008.01.14 - The Word of God at the feast of the s | Page 3
work of the man’s salvation, but you should rather seek after the gift of humility, by which I
worked on earth, the greatest gift, the greatest teaching you can give to the man, for God cannot
despise the humble one. Oh, you will not find My wisdom anywhere on earth, but only that of
the man, as you see that it is on earth, and I can hardly protect those who are Mine from the
mixture that the man makes when he speaks about God’s right upon man. Oh, there is great,
great deceit on earth, sons. The dyed man, who builds high temples for the people to enter
them as they would come to God, that one knows how to dye and he raises his people with
manly wisdom and he calls them great confessors and great teachers by their life, which
resounds the news from ear to ear for the people to hear that it is and then they strike
from under their shield into the work of My wisdom, just as the church of today has struck
into this wisdom of Mine by its confessors, which called them great for the people; however,
its people called them great and not God, for God does not have any right, He is not allowed to
speak any longer in the church by His prophets. Well, as they say, instead of losing their do-
minion over them, it would have been best for the spirit of prophesy not to be on the earth, the
spirit that reveals from God, always from God today, as I said that I would be with My disciples
to the end of the times, not only by the Whitsuntide, those feasts after fifty days from My res-
urrection and since the ruling class over the church has said that he revelation has come to an
end, My work upon man, and that it was enough for them the one that had been by that time,
and behold, they do like the Jews who were beating their chests when I came to be their God
born from the Father, as the Father promised them by the prophets, and they were saying that
they had Abraham as their father and that they had Moses’ law and that according to that law
they had to judge Me and this was what they did, as they said. Oh, who told them, that is to the
ecclesiastical rulers, who told them to speak this and to take out of the Scriptures My promises
which I promised that they would be to the end of the times and that they were to be and to
work to their fulfillment by the spirit of prophecy? Who told them that God had finished speak-
ing with the man when I told all those who believe Me that I would be with them to the end of
the time?
Oh, My people, My saints are those who judge the world, as it is written, and they judge
it from Me and it receives according to its works by the word of My saints. Amen, amen, amen.
– Oh, Lord Teacher, Master full of the spirit of humility before man! The kings of the
earth, those who rule over the nations and control them in Your name, they cannot do what the
king David did when the spirit of prophecy came over to him and made his mistake known to
him, and David repented from his wrongdoing and he did not repent in secret. Here it is what
confession means, that which reaches from earth into heaven by many ears so that the sin may
be atoned on earth! If You stayed with the Samaritan and spoke with her about You and about
her, where does the whole world know from what You spoke with her and she with You? You
tell Your disciples about Your whole work with her at the Israel’s well, Lord, and then she also
spoke about it in her city because she had got from You the spirit of the confession of her works.
Or, just as on the bank of the Jordan many came and confessed their sins to their repentance
and before John the Baptizer, who was baptizing with water to the forgiveness of the men’s sins
who were repenting from them before the face of Your witness surrounded by the crowds at
Jordan, the witness who, by his work, was announcing You and was saying: «He Who comes
after me is mightier than me and He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and He will gather
His wheat into the barn, but the chaff He will burn up with fire». (See Matt. 3:12) Oh, You
are the Lord full of the spirit of justice and You belong to those who are full of Holy Spirit on
earth, to Your glory and not theirs, little humble Lamb.