The Word of God in Romania 2008.01.09 - The Word of God at the feast of the s | Page 4
the Lord wants to establish the kingdom of the heavens from place to place and its white robe,
from which the devils flee away. Be blessed being nourished with the Lamb of God, Who makes
you holy! Establish priests in the cities by the working grace in the church! Establish male and
female deacons, and let them all have members of Christ’s church everywhere, and the spirit
of prophecy over it! Amen. Oh, the Lord is in hardships among you and He told me to testify to
you about the work of the church of His saints. Come together around the slaughtered Lamb!
Get together more and more often for the spirit of testimony, for the spirit of the holy growth,
for this is the work of the church. Do not be afraid of the people! Each bird perishes on its own
tongue, and let your tongue and spirit confess the Lord in the work of church. Amen. Do not
despise the spirit of prophecy, the spirit which brings you to the Lord, for in the time of the first
Christians there were hosts of prophets and apostles, and it is not true the language of those
who say that the heaven has been closed and that there are no longer any prophecies. But, on
the contrary, the heavens have been opened more and more after the Lord went to be with the
Father, for the Son of God poured out of His Spirit over the church afterwards, and the churches
had prophets near the priests, and they had male and female deacons, and they also had evan-
gelists and confessors, and they had healers and miracle performers, and they had grace and
this is how the church was ministering everywhere from place to place at its beginning, until
the antichrist got in and stole its necklace and then took away its key and gave it to be sold, and
thus he took the church away from the man’s way, for the church, as it is now, is not as it was
established by the Lord and by the apostles at its beginning. I was a deacon and I was oversee-
ing other deacons by the work of the church and by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, and
I was an apostle full of Holy Spirit, and there were young male and female apostles, and there
were young prophets and prophetesses, and there were also old counselors and guides and
many other workers, and for the food with Christ of the church from everywhere, there were
male and female deacons who were going and feeding the Christians, taking the Lord from the
priests and giving Him everywhere the saints were suffering into the midst of the world without
light in it, and this is how the saints were overcoming by the blood of the slaughtered Lamb,
Who was their food, the food of the church of the saints. Oh, do not be afraid of the people, for
they are naked and do not have any garment of glory as you have got the garment of holiness!
Do not be afraid of those who leave off the way near you, going again from light to darkness!
They have not overcome the world in them yet, and the world pulls them out like the saplings
who did not take root if they shook from their foundations. Be seized within the Holy Spirit,
Who gives Himself to you doing His work! Peace to you! Listen to the Lord! Appreciate the
spirit of prophecy, for the church has to be ruled and it has to be whole. Amen.
Lord, I listened to You and spoke to Your people about the time of the church of the first
Christians, while Your church was still working wholly, and then the man got into it and ruled
over the people in the church and God has no longer ruled by it on the earth. There is a long
time since You have been waiting for the first appearance of Your church, which You have it
made up over Your disciples, giving them power and grace to establish everywhere the work of
Your church.
Oh, Lord, I am merciful. I have mercy on You, for You have been wounded for two
thousand years and You have had no church that knows to appreciate Your sacrifice to its life
from You. I have mercy on You, for You are neglected and kept for gain by those who become
servants of church over the people, oh, and there is no one to tell the people about the lie which
keeps them in bondage by the face and by the name of the apostolic and synodal church. Woe
to the ecumenicity of those who call themselves Your church! Your church is full of saints, not
of people! Where are the members of the church if there is any church at all? Oh, there are no