The Word of God in Romania 2007.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | Page 4
wandering and tired, dear son. Oh, you are the people of My coming, when I come from the
Father, now, the second time, and sanctify yourself for this, and be always holy, My people.
Oh, do not love the fleeting life, and learn to get used to it only for God, and do not take even
a drop from it, for the way to sin is wide. Give yourself over to the Lord, for the Lord gave
Himself over to you and has taken you to His bosom to grow you holily, My people. Oh, love
your assembly at the heavenly feasts in the little gardens sanctified by Me, and, you should long
more and more to meet Me in word and glory of word. You shall not bring any kind of emptiness
and empty words in the gardens sanctified by Me for the saints, and for Me and for you with
Me on earth, and you should rather bring yourself to Me, son, and you should come to be
adorned, nourishing My loving Spirit with clean, holy and obedient sons, because I want to take
away all the pains from you, the entire wound, your entire burden, son, and then to be able to
embrace you within the spirit of eternity, for I have been waited much and for a very long time
to have a people that may cradle Me while in My pains from man, and that it may comfort Me
within the cradle of his love of God, as I want to cradle it in the cradle of My waiting with
patience, with love and with exhortation upon it and after it.
Separate yourself from the world, My people! It is the time, son. Take it out of your
heart and take Me in you, for I am the Lord, your God. You shall not be afraid that it is hard for
you with Me and with My life in you. Be afraid of your life, from which you cannot separate
yourself, for behold how much it has meant for you in body and soul! Oh, become My dwelling
place, son, so much waited by God! I have nourished you with great waiting after you. You
will not be able to sneak from your place near Me, because of so many years of your walking
on your way with Me, listening to My voice upon you.
Spend time now, My people, in the spirit of the feast of My mother, for I and My heaven
of saints and angels spend time with you, and then, to the end of the day, I will embrace you
again in the word, and I exhort you again towards Me. My mother is embracing you again, and
she is comforting you within her spirit full of word and she is helping you because of your
obedience to God, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
– Oh, save, Lord, Your people, and bless Your inheritance of today and lead it to the
grassland, for You are the little Shepherd Who has come from the Father Sabaoth to raise a
people to the Father. Amen.
My comfort as a mother, Son, comforts Your Being and Your body in which you stand
now, mighty and loving, with a loving face into the midst of Your people with me on my day of
feast of the joining with my body again, near Your eternal body, when You came and embraced
my body and took it into the air and made it eternal like Yours, my Son. I comfort Your people,
dear Son, and I tell it this:
Comfort the One Who comforts you, people comforted by God. Oh, do not be ashamed
with the Lord on earth, but rather be ashamed to stay without God between earth and heaven,
and your dwelling with God is in your deed and sight, lest your heart, which will say that it has
God in it, to testify falsely, as though it would have not got God as fulfilled deed of your faithful
heart. Get up beautifully and do the will of the One Who asks you to be like Him, for the Lord
is the One Who speaks to you, calling you from death to life, from sin to holiness, from tempo-
rariness to eternity on earth, for the earth will be renewed now from place to place, starting
with you, from the land under you, and being protected for the renewal and for its sanctification
to those who are saints on it. Amen.