The Word of God in Romania 2007.05.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the H | Page 3
the man what to eat on the earth 3 and then He told him what to eat from heaven. The man has
to read in the Scriptures from the beginning and see the man’s fall in them by his disobedience
and to learn from this and tremble, and then to take the way of life, the way with obedience to
God in it. Amen.
We, Your saints, Lord, have spoken to Your people that has come to the spring and
confessed to it Your pain from man and called out to it to listen to You and we told him that the
man does not have to eat meat, (See the selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or
what comes out of him?”, r.n.) but to eat only what You told him to eat. Amen. We wanted to
confess to comfort You, Lord, for the spirit of confession has power by its work, and behold,
now there stay to confess You those who are remembered with their soul on the altar to which
they are called to their resurrection, Lord, and behold, this is how it is getting complete the
spirit of testimony, which is working now from near You and teaching Your people the wisdom
of life, oh, Lord of the saints and of Your confessors. Amen, amen, amen.
– Out of the great people and as numerous as all the ages of people to this time, Lord,
out of those so great in number remembered now on Your altar of fire, in which the sins of the
people are given to be burned so that they may be forgiven and then their bodies to come to life
after that, we, those who were removed from the body of Your people that has heard Your voice
in this time, we also confess that Your true people of today is that which sanctifies itself for You
in their body, in their soul and in their spirit, Lord. As long as we were on the earth in the body
of Your people, we have not done worked out in us the spirit and the body of life, for we had no
wisdom and did not learn the life from the Scriptures. We speak to Your people of yesterday,
and we also speak to the people of today, and we speak to it, those who are confessing now
from those that are not seen, and in which are seen those that are made by people, as long as
they live on the earth, we speak to it and we tell it in plain language not to eat meat; it should
no longer eat meat from now on. And we tell all the people on the earth that the man does not
have to eat meat, for the man is not supposed to commit sexual immorality, but he rather needs
to read in the Scriptures the commandments left by You for man, Lord. We tell Your people of
yesterday and today, we tell it that obedience to You is its salvation, and then the salvation of
the earth and its people on it, Lord; and we tell it to come near more and more to the spring of
Your voice and to eat and come to life, for death is nothing else than disobedience that puts
away the resurrection and life from man. We confess our disobedience, which brought us to
sufferance on earth and then to tears and remorse in heaven, but we have Your trumpet as our
great intercessor in heaven, the vessel from which we drank on the earth by Your word, which
we did not listen to it out of our lack of wisdom.
We thank You that You gave from Your people as mercy for us those that work with You
for the salvation of the human people, Lord. Oh, keep them under your invincible shield and
always, always teach them to listen to You, for the human people from here and the one on the
earth, need Your servants, clean and holy by obedience and sacrifice, Lord. And now, we thank
them that they love us, and we confess from near You the word of the Scriptures, word with
power of resurrection in it, and which says this: «Love is as strong as death and it prevails
against it». Amen, amen, amen.
«God also said, 'Look, to you I give all the seed-bearing plants everywhere on the surface of
the earth, and all the trees with seed-bearing fruit; this will be your food.» (Gen. 1/29.)