The Word of God in Romania 2007.05.06 - The Word of God on the fifth Sunday a | Seite 3

2007.05.06. and from the darkness from the sin. Oh, help the people, Lord, help them with the voice of Your word of today and give them power to know You in this word and to humble themselves, and as You also received me, also receive them, those who humble themselves, Lord, at Your voice, which cleanses the man from his sin and gives him the spirit of resurrection. Amen, amen, amen. – And behold, My people, the feast of the saints, which has come with Me in this day, for the martyr Gheorghe, also celebrated by the saints now, is ready to appear as the one who has come with Me and to give voice to his spirit full of word. Oh, come too, oh, My confessor, come, son, and let your word with the holy joy and rejoice among the saints of My coming, for I come with the saints, and they work like their Master, like some disciples, and they prove the Scripture of My coming with the saints now, in the end of the time, when the Father has sent Me again from heaven down to the earth. Amen, amen, amen. – Lord, bless the power of the faith in You and strengthen it in those who believe in Your coming now on the earth with Your saints, and bless the victory of the Romanian people, for Your glory into the midst of this land, the Romanian hearth, which You have set the way of Your returning from the Father to the man after two thousand years ago from Your victory through the cross and by resurrection, Lord. I pray to You, oh, I pray to You in this day of my feast among the saints, please receive my prayer for the Romanian nation, blown by the blizzard so fiercely by those who are hungry after the spirit of the rulers 4 over this nation. There has aroused a great darkness up there at the helm of this nation and the blizzard has blown, Lord. The spirit of haughtiness, the spirit of greed, the spirit of envy has put on the garment of treason and has blown away the head of this nation, meant by You to be a nation of saints, Lord. I want to start going again as a heavenly soldier, as I am, and to help this nation again, as I have also helped it so many times when I have stayed near its heroes and I have overcome for it on Your behalf. I raise the sword of the spirit and go, Lord, against the spirit of haughtiness, which has been fighting to overthrow those that have been established by You for the government of this nation. Lord, strengthen those who rule with justice and mercy at the helm of the Romanian people, and tear down their haughty work and do not allow the spirit of lying to be able to work. This prayer I bring to You from among the saints in the memory of my day of victory over the earth over the faithful people of my time. Amen. Oh, haughty people and full of yourselves, full of the spirit of haughtiness in you! The Lord and the God of the saints is the Master of this nation, chosen as His nation in the end, the hearth of His coming from the Father now on the earth as word, which brings to life the death from the tombs and those alive, who love resurrection. You are not the masters of this nation. Oh, control yourselves and control the pride by which you woke up against the spirit of peace and justice of everything, and do no longer struggle to rule over the Romanian nation, the nation of the Lord, in the end of the time, His country of today. Humble yourselves and become sons of God, if you want forgiveness by repentance, and do no longer get haughty over this nation, for the Romanian nation has Jesus Christ, the Lord of resurrection, Lord and Word upon it, and it is a chosen nation from among nations to be His wedding hall and His table of Supper of word on the earth with those who believe in Him and in His work from the end of the time. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) The haughty masters gave me 4 Reference to the party of the former communists, who have majority in the parliament and who suspended the president Băsescu, suspension invalidated by the referendum, r.n. 3