The Word of God in Romania 2007.04.15 - The Word of God on the second Sunday | Page 3

2007.04.15 .
Father upon the earth now , upon those who are alive and upon those who are dead , ( See the selection topic : „ The dead hear My voice ”, r . n .) to give each one according to his deed , and here it is how He catches all in their unbelief , proving that they are blind and lying guides and teaching the people the way of life , but they were not touching it in their walk and in their deed . Oh , those who are unbelieving to His voice on the earth will be aggrieved now for the fulfilling of those that are written in the Scriptures , and , again , soon , soon , happy will be those who believe by not seeing but only by hearing His word , which comes with the clouds and which calls the nations on the earth to His mountain of word , which He leaves into the midst of the Romanian nation , to be shared through the disciples who are faithful to Him .
You , those who confess the true Gospel of Jesus Christ ! If you do not know that the Lord is this word of nowadays and that He calls the man to the works of life , what shall you really do , when He Himself will be to point at the place and the spring by which He waters you in hard times to such an extent that you do not even know this ? Oh , what shall you do , you those who do not believe ? Behold the perplexity of that time of the Lord , for He said then : « When the Son of Man comes , will He find faith on the earth ?» ( Luke 18:8 ) Oh , you are the unbelieving ones , but it is written into the Scripture that « if the sinner is told that he will perish because of his sins , and then he comes back to repentance , then he will be alive then by the works of his life and he will live , and , again , if the righteous is told : “ you will be alive ,” and then he will start sinning relying on his good works , those will not be counted , but he will perish because of the lawlessness which he had committed ». Oh , do not be unbelieving but believing , for I speak from near the resurrected Lord , as a disciple full of his Teacher resurrected from the dead and I say : happy are those who will believe and not seeing , but hearing the word of God , His word of today , which those in heaven and hell and those who are faithful on the earth hear ; blessed will be them , and they will be more blessed than me , and I will rejoice over the great fruit of my testimony for my Lord , and this is how I will be the spring of those happier than me by my testimony , which gives happiness and increased happiness . Amen , amen , amen .
– Oh , disciple aggrieved with longing ! The grief of your longing for the resurrection from My sufferance on the cross has become confession of the resurrection of the faith in Me for all of My disciples , and it has been made , over time , the testifying proof of My divinity , the One Who came from the Father on the earth to pay with sufferance on the cross for the life and for the man ’ s raising from his fall , so that the man may come back to the Father . You were a great mystery , a mystery that was prepared by Me among My disciples , for your wisdom was also great , and then I appeared to you as wisdom , and you were and are a great disciple . The power by which you worked and sown faith in Me upon people as the power and work beyond nature , and I strengthened you to be able to work for man , after I told you all to go , as My disciples , and to preach for the people the kingdom of the heavens and My name , in which they are to be baptized and saved from evil . May your confession be blessed and powerful in the day of your testimony after My resurrection , and may you receive happiness from those who believe and who will believe by your confession at that time and the time of today , for I , the Lord , strengthen My word of today on the earth and I preach from margins to margins the salvation over those who are faithful and blessed by the reward of their faith , for their reward is with Me . Amen .
My people , oh , My people full of My word at your table ! I have into your midst disciples who preach Me to the world from margins to margins , sharing My saving word with the nations of the world . Take care to honor My work into your midst and take care to stay with your spirit