2006.11.21 .
brought forth the spirit of witchcraft and spells , and the people that was either coming or not , when it wanted to come , has always been crushed by its disobedience .
I am the angel of the Lord and I have spoken from this way of fifty years of the Lord and of the people who has heard Him speaking the word of life to it . To all that have crossed with their steps and to all who are crossing with their walking on this way of the Lord ’ s voice I tell this : the Lord is aggrieved , merciful and long enduring in such a way that it may become known to the sons of men the power , the glory and the greatness of His kingdom . The Lord keeps all those who love Him in the truth , and He will lose all the sinful people , as it is written . The Lord exalts those who are gentle and humiliates down to the earth those who are proud in their spirit . And as for you , Jerusalem , praise the Lord that He has strengthened in you the pillars of your gates and blessed your sons in you . He is the One Who brings peace to your borders and gives you the flower of the wheat . He is the One Who sends His word to the earth , proclaiming Himself in you with His corrections and judgments . Praise the Lord among saints , people sanctified by His word ! Give praises to Him into your midst in His days and of His saints ! In a voice of psaltery , with a fearful soul of God praise the Lord and His coming to you !
A voice of angels is speaking to you , new people : pray earnestly that your calling may come before the Lord for all those who have walked in this way of His coming now , and who have then fell from it . Ask them for the Lord , give them the anchor and make them come and be saved from themselves and to take after the Lord by obedience and submission , for a voice of angels has been resounding today for their calling to their semblance to the Lord , Creator . Amen .
And as for You , Lord of the angelic hosts , become their God too , the same as the angels have You as their Master , and if You want , give them power to come to You to set You as Master over them to heal them . Amen .
I am the angel of the Lord and I am the angel of His obedient people and I protect the one who obeys the Lord , and I do not protect the one who is disobedient and violates this word , and I am not the angel of those who cannot keep them , for the one who is mastered by his own will , that one is his own master and he has not got another master .
I am the angel of the Lord and I have the key of the abyss to keep away from Satan the one who gives himself as God ’ s will and the one who comes back from the darkness to the light to see the way and to walk in it . Amen .
I , Lord and Master of the angelic hosts , sound speaking that all those who are able to rise again from among those , who had accompanied You in the time of this trumpet sounding for fifty years , may come back to Your will and to the wisdom of the righteous ones . However , if they do not know how to come and do not know what it means to come , then may Your will be done , for You said two thousand years ago by my voice over John : « I come quickly ; and My reward is with Me , to give to each man according to his work ». ( Rev . 22:12 ) Amen , amen , amen .
– Amen I say to you , to those who have assembled at the feast of the angels : the words of My angel are faithful and true , for I , the Lord , the God of the prophets ’ spirits , have sent My angel to speak . Amen . I come soon , and I come and I keep coming , and happy is the one who keeps My entire word , My book of today , which I showed it to John two