The Word of God in Romania 2006.11.08 - The Word of God at the feast of the g
The Word of God 1 at the feast of the great Saint martyr Demetrius, the myrrh
streamer 2
I bow from heaven down to earth, and I bow the heaven and I come down with food of
word for My heaven, for My saints and for My people in the midst of the world in order to
exhort it always with the voice of My mouth, and that it may receive and fulfill as I speak so
that it may be My son and I to be its God, for God is the One Who bows to His creature to make
it after His likeness and that the Lord may have shelter in man on earth. Amen.
Oh, I have suffered very, very much from the man! The man does not want to become
after My likeness. I made the man in My image for I and My Father said: «Let Us make man
in Our image, after Our Likeness, and let him have dominion over everything; and God cre-
ated the man in His own image; in God’s image He created him; male and female He created
them». (Gen. 1:26, 27)
When I created the man I made him male and female and I spoke to them to be in God’s
image. Oh, God humbled Himself so much when He made the man and He created him in His
image and the man has owed God to be after God’s likeness and to be a house for the Lord,
for I have built him in order to be My house and then to confess Me and not himself. How-
ever, behold My people, I have been comforting Myself for seven thousand years with the an-
gels, who have not got their will but only My will, and then I have got comforted with the saints,
who become a dwelling place for Me on earth among people to testify about My and their
humility, by which I have had room within them, and that afterwards they may confess their
faith in Me, its truth and its power, by which they have put to shame all those who were hostile
and unfaithful and they were showing the truth of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, the Father, true God
from true God.
Oh, My people, after I made the man by My godly hand, he has not comforted Me and
thus he has owed to his Creator. The man has owed to be born of God, to be after God’s likeness,
to be humble like God and not a master over everything and that is all, for the man has dominion
over everything that is alive between earth and heaven, but he cannot give life to them and then
to feed them as I feed them at their request, for all the living creatures ask for their food from
Me and not from the man. Oh, the man does not only have to stay as master, but he also has to
become after My likeness, according to My humility by which I created the man after My like-
ness. The man has to be born of God, as My mother, the Virgin, was born of God at God’s
word by God’s messengers, for the prophet David had spoke ahead of time for her and he said:
« Hear, o daughter and see and incline your ear; forget also your people and your father’s
house». (Ps. 45:10, 45 MT = 44 LXX) And the Virgin became after My likeness and was born
of Me, the Word of God, and I was born of her, and We had been a house to each other, and we
were God’s will to each other, and thus the word from the beginning was fulfilled and a man
was born after God’s likeness, male and female, born of God’s word, for I am born of the
Father and I am not created, but I am the Being of the Father, and He is My being, and I
and with My Father are of the same being. Amen.
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.