2006.08.02 .
it . I , Lord , have the zeal that the man may be able to deny himself and leave off the idols and that he may become Your will to Your peace , Lord . Amen , amen , amen .
– And I , the Lord , prepare the way to the man with you , oh , My prophet , and I have sent you to take away from the earth the spirit of unbelief and of that of the man ’ s wandering away and to bring the man to the Spirit of the truth , Who is God . Amen .
Oh , people of My word , you have prepared again into your midst the memorial for those who passed away within their body and I have someone of them who painfully prays to Me to give him voice for the day of his memorial , and I fulfill it , for it is the time of the Scripture of the voice of God ’ s Son , which is heard by those in the tombs to wake up for My coming . Amen .
– Lord , I have come near to those who lead Your people to You and You to Your people , as they also had led me with love , for their heart is love and they have in their dough a people loving spirit . I have come near for my entrance to be made , for my nine-year memorial since You sent Your angel to bring Me to You has been made now . I remember , oh , Lord , of Your Scripture , when You were twelve years old and when You shook the Father ’ s wisdom over those without the Father by their deeds , even if they thought that they were Abraham ’ s sons . ( About that time , see ” The Three Days in the Temple ”, divine dictation received by Jakob Lorber , r . n .) I was twelve years old when You took me to be with You and I confessed Your work to those who did not believe it on the earth , and since then they had been waiting for its fruit . You took me to be with You , and by this I knew that You wanted me and that You did not let Your enemies rejoice over me , Lord . I earnestly ask those who were my parents after the flesh to follow Your commandments and to give up those things of the people , for everywhere the people wave to them and they do not have any sufficient power to stay within You , and You cannot stand near those who are lawless and who exhort them to the world . Help them not to lose the great gift of the love and mercy for those who lead the people of Your word in Your name , and who also led me for You , and then they made my entrance near to You according to Your mercy and to their perseverance . Help those who gave me birth after the flesh , help them to a clean heart according to Your heart and not according to their will , and give them the spirit of the fear of God and of the faithfulness according to Your will and not according to their will , Lord . Separate them from the world , which enchants them , for I sigh for Your mercy and for the mercy of those who bring You with so much difficulty to lead Your people and always to give it life of Your life , merciful Lord . You had also had mercy on me that I might not get lost , that the world might not take me away from near You and then become a bad example before those who were to believe in the work of Your word . I tried to taste the departure from You , even if I was afraid of You , and You fulfilled upon me the Scripture , which says : « The angel of the Lord will watch around those who have fear of Him ». I thank You now in heaven , and I pray to You to comfort and relieve the wounds of those who lead Your people on Your behalf , and forgive those who conspire against them and help those who strike them , help them to leave off their anger and wrath and no longer to conspire against those who watch leading Your people , for they are under a heavy burden , and their heart is sweet , and many do not know to perceive this , and they cause them pains and then they cry in You and not in themselves as the man who has got mercy on himself cries . I cry for their mercy , for I loved them and they loved me , but I have also rejoiced today in the midst of Your people who remembers my being before You . I get comforted from all of them and I look at them in a heavenly way , and I ask You from the host of the praying people in heaven to save Your people , Lord , to bless Your inheritance , to graze it and to exalt it , Lord , and keep away from the world and its spirit those who gave me birth after the flesh and give them of Your Spirit and always give them the gift of the mercy for You according to Your will , merciful Lord . Amen .