The Word of God in Romania 2006.07.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the s | Page 3

2006.07.12 .
little soul has been sighing painfully , for it could not escape the toils of the spirit of haughtiness and of the passing greatness , and now it has been sighing and trying to refresh itself by the spirit of confession , Lord . We are with it , we , Your disciples , for Your angels has brought it near to the day when it will be mentioned before You by those who are the people of Your word . Let ’ s us refresh it , Lord . Amen , amen , amen .
– You , My disciples because you followed Me on the earth , work , beloved ones , do My work on earth as in heaven , for you are My disciples , and I , the Lord , look and comfort My affected spirit , deeply affected . Amen .
– Oh , Lord , we , Your disciples , work like You . You took the keys of death and hell , and You gave us the keys of the kingdom of the heavens to be Your confessors and to tell everybody that You are the Christ , the Son of God , the living One forever and ever , that You are the slaughtered Lamb and that You are the Savior of those who follow You . We give voice to the soul that will be to confess about it , about You , Lord , and about the work of Your word over the earth . Amen .
– I stand having been set by angels before You and before Your twelve disciples and before those who testify today like Your disciples , Jesus Lord . I am astounded by Your invisible glory from the earth over Your anointed ones , who bear the work of Your word from Your mouth to the man ’ s ear . I did not want to know how long I stayed and I did not want to join with my life and work to this glory of Yours on earth , which , my relatives according to the flesh knew about . Your angel took my soul away from the body one year ago and brought Me before Your throne . I had nothing to bring You for my life . I was proud on earth and You did not receive any of my sacrifices , about which I was saying that I was bringing before You , for « The Lord stands against those who are proud », as it is written . I cry bitterly when I see in time how many sacrifices You have received , both from the rich ones and from the poor ones , but You did not receive any of my sacrifices , and I suffer without any comfort that I have not got now any earnings from my life on earth . You also wanted to write me in heaven with a sacrifice pleased to You , but I did not love You , I had no mercy on You , but I rather asked for my right when I left Your chosen land as Your inheritance , as it really was . I upset You then and You spoke a prophetic word to me that You would take me away from the earth because of my lack of love , because my lack of obedience to You , and then I persecuted those who were Your elected ones . At the end of my life on the earth I caused You great pain and I touched with hatred , with evil speaking and threatening those who carried You as word on the earth and over Your people , for I thought I was able to do this . Now , I have seen how powerfully You watch over those people and how You call out for them the word of the Scriptures , saying : « Do not conspire against My prophets ». However , I did not want to fulfill this way and I tell everybody not to do this great sin , and I tell them that haughtiness is the most hostile sin against the man ’ s life on the earth and then when he leaves his body , after that on the earth he feeds on the spirit of greatness of the empty glory , on the sin of the worshipping this idol , for the greatest idol is the human mind in which the man ’ s haughtiness has room , the spirit which feeds and makes the man glad on the earth . To ask for Your forgiveness now , because I was unfaithful , without holy work and full of haughtiness , I know that You are the One Who know Your judgments and that You will work according to Your will . However , I ask those whom I disregarded on the earth , who are Your way with the word of Your calling over the living and over the dead , I ask them to be my intercession before You , for they have great favor with You , and You are a righteous Judge , and You are good with them , with those who love You according to Your will . I tell from here to all those on the earth who receive Your word from You , that it is a great chasm for the soul , the man ’ s greatness on the earth , for it completely separates the man from God on earth and in heaven , because no one can serve God half way . I tell everybody to look after You with great