The Word of God in Romania 2006.07.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the b | Page 2

2006.07.07 .
– Come , God and little Lamb , Who humble Yourself and stay only humble for Your walking on the earth . You spoke once to those who have carried You as Your word to the man , and You told them that before man one should go on his knees so that he may be able to walk on his feet . However now , the pain in You whispers to those who walk like that for Your way with the man , and it whispers to them that one should go only on his elbows and knees , and not only on his knees for the man ’ s walking on his feet , who is not used to the walking that pleases God and from which Your comfort and the comfort of Your saints come , Your hope and the hope of Your saints , little and suffering Lamb . I comfort You with my hand with which I poured out running water over Your head in the river Jordan , and I remind You of my pain by which I was teaching the people to repent and then to become a dwelling place of Your kingdom with which You came on the earth to establish it in man . However , they came because of the fear of the heavenly wrath due to the wandering away of their life , but they did not come for repentance . You have also come today for their repentance from heaven , as word and sign of Your coming , but the people remain far away from Your calling with their works , with their life , and as some offspring of vipers try to run away from the wrath and in no way do they come for repentance and then for a holy and new life . The man comes to You and then tries to lose You for his life , and he does not come with repentance . The brood of vipers , after they are born , kill their mother , and that is why I called brood of vipers those who did not come for repentance and then for Your life in them ; and not to strike You after the man comes , after You open for him to come in and have life and work like Yours from You . Oh , You are God , but the one who wants to try to come to You by Your calling , forgets who You are and who he is , and the man forgets that he is small and that You are God , and that it is because of Your mercy You call and receive Him , and not that he may boast that he has You as his Father , but to really have You , if he has got You and if he boasts about this . The one who boasts about this , that one can no longer pray to You , for those who are Yours humble themselves deeply , they are afraid of Your greatness and stay little under it and stay in submission waiting for Your mercy over their weaknesses , over their weak powers .
Oh , little and teaching Lamb , the man does not know why I called You the Lamb of God , why the prophets called you the slaughtered Lamb , as in fact You are , for their prophesies have been fulfilled . Woe to the one who is greater and stronger than You are , and not like You , little Lamb , and happy is the one who lets himself be made in Your image and after You likeness , dear little lamb to be like You , Lord . However , the man is haughty , poor of him , and he cannot be little lamb . The man is discontent and the one who is discontent cannot be aggrieved , for his dissatisfaction is a spirit nourished by the spirit of haughtiness against another one , it is nourished by the spirit of judgment against the one who is blamed by man . Oh , the man does not want to remain with You , gentle and little Lamb , and one should go on his elbows and knees to help the man to humility like ours , Lord of those who are humble and full of Your grace full of Your life in man .
Oh , people who hear the word from God ! Let the Lord not speak alone , let Him not listen alone and let Him not remain alone . I did not know how to listen to Him more beautifully and more truly when He was speaking to Me and was teaching Me . He was very humble to hide His face of my God . He did not want me to think that He was greater than I was . He humbled Himself like a God and He was teaching me , and I was receiving of His grace like a perfect disciple . I did not want to be less than He was in the work of my life . This is how I had followed my Teacher , and He was the Lamb of God , and only at Jordan I saw this , for He was humble and did not want to be known by His greatness , but He rather He hid His greatness like a God , and the man has not learned this yet even from God , after he has learned about God ’ s humility .